38. cheat 💔🤬

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Tae went to their with jungkook, he is very drunk but still he don't want leave him

Tae: come on lay down on bed now

Jungkook layed in bed , tae noticed something on his neck

He went closer to him and check it's a lip stick mark , he open his shirt and saw his chest is filled with lip-stick marks of mina

At this moment tae want to cry very badly but he can not do anything about it

He know that jungkook don't like him at all but can't he even respect their marriage, the vows he took with him

Tae: good jungkook (sad smile)

He don't want to feel bad or cry about it but he can't control his tears

Tears eventually flow form his eyes and touch his cheek

Tae in mind: why are even crying don't you already know about it

He bite his lips prevert him form making noise and crying

He was about to go form there but drunk jungkook grab his hands

Tae: l.let me g.go (sobbing)

JK: don't leave me (scatter)

He pull tae towards him and start mumbling something in his sleep

Tae: what , w.why you call me?

He hugged tae while they both are laying in bed

JK: I don't want to with her, she forcefully take me (mumbled)

Tae: after doing all this what do you want (teary eyes)

JK: I love you tae (drunk voice but still mumbling)

Tae: leave me I said leave me (crying)

He start crying while his head is in jungkook's chest, jungkook actually don't know what's going on and tae just want to forgot what he saw

Fill the comment section with your lovely comments Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye

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