A Change Of Fate

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 Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it...

"If  you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"

" What are ye talkin' about?" Merida asked, her red locks swaying in the light wind of cottage. She soon turned around to see blue lights scattering in the distance. Natural, she grabbed her bow and followed them. Running to catch up with the lights, she soon found the same cottage she was recently in. Curious to how she could have reached the same destination, but following a different route.

"So would you change your fate?" The same old cracked voice as last time greeted her with this question instead. The turned to look at Merida, her dark cloak covered in dust, which turned a dark blue cloak, to a gray one. She cracked a toothless smile as she awaited an answer.

"Yes! Okay, I would change my destiny if aye had the chance!" Merida yelled at the elderly woman. If possible the smile that the old lady was wearing grew bigger as she called for her crow and went towards a large melting pot on top of a fire. A slow stench approach Merida's nose as she followed the lady near the melting pot. A purple-ish glow emitted from the pot as a smell of lavender and sweets reached her nose. Merida sighed as the smells ceased. A different smell filled her nose though, and as she turned around, she was met by a plate full of sweet tarts. 

"Take these and give them to the one you desire to change. But, be careful for what you wish f-"

"Yeah -Yeah. I already know..." With that, Merida took the plate of pastries and mounted onto her horse to return home.


Merida returned home and sneaked her way through the castle and into her bedroom. She placed the pastries on a bed side table, and slammed down on her bed. Pondering whether she should do this or not, she glanced around her room. She came across a quilt of her family and decided she should at least try one herself. She picked up a pastry off of the plate and bite into it, flakes falling onto her ripped blue and white dress. A green light took over her body, lifting her into the air.

"Ahh!"Merida yelled as she tried to grab onto something, failing, and falling onto the ground with a loud bang.

"Now, what is Merida doing this time..." Queen Elinor asked herself. She picked herself up from her seat and decided to investigate. She walked up the stairs, following a route she has taken often and made her way into Merida's room without knocking. (Big no, no :0)

"Merida! Merida! Where are you Merida!" Elinor called out only to hear a growl in return.

"What?" Queen Elinor walked towards a giant lump of pillows, blankets, and comforters. She lifted up  a corner of the pile of mess and screamed aloud. "Merida!" She screamed, leaving the room for King Fergus. 


"What?!" King Fergus yelled at his wife who informed him of what happened, at least what she thought happened.

King Fergus soon alarmed his guards of the problem at hand, and soon Merida was surrounded by men in armor and armed with swords and bows. Merida opened her mouth, only for a loud groan to come out, terrifying the heavily armed guards. King Fergus soon appeared and yelled," What have ye done to my sweet daughter, you beast!" He then shot an arrow at Merida, which she deflected, but soon arrows where being thrown at all directions.

Merida soon fell down, defeated, and looked up. Fergus stood above her with a new held sword, and brought it down into her neck. Pain surged though her body as she yelled out in pain. Watching the blood spew out of his daughter in beast form, King Fergus pulled out the sword and brought it down again, ending all pain Merida felt as the room fell quiet. King Fergus bent down, and pulled the now chopped of head of the bear and held it out for all to see.

"This happened so that bear knew it's place not to hurt my precious baby!"

Cheers were heard through the room as the witch stood in the doorway.

"Careful for what you wish for dearie," and with that, the witch disappeared to her little cottage in the woods, waiting for the next person who wanted to change their fate.


"If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"


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