Make You Mine

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I just wanna make you mine,
Is that such a crime
That I should be embarrassed?
I try to run, I try to hide it,
And supressed it,
Have you guesses it - yet?
Why can't I be more honest
Bout my emotions and be vulnerable?
Why does honesty and being upfront
Makes me so uncomfortable?
I don't to be vul-nera-ble...
It makes me sprint and my skin crawl
I find it so uncomfortable

Pardon my baggage / and all of my traumas
Fatherless daughters / but I'm just chasing my momma

Why does baring my soul, make me so uncomfortable? I'd like to know, what past fears have took a hold
Why does baring my soul, make me so uncomfortable? I'd like to know, what specific fears have took a hold 

I Wanna Be Yours //SongbookWhere stories live. Discover now