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"Let's go grab the consignment and get the hell outta here". One of the masked men who were clad on all black thundered.

"Yes Boss",  the guy opposite him replied and quickly scurried off to the other side of the entrance.

"Boss, we got a problem" one of them who appeared to have a feminine tone  said as he rushed in with the rest of the guys, who were all in the same black on black outfit.

The masked men entered the building, their footsteps silent as they crept across the marble floor. The security guards were oblivious, chatting amongst themselves as they monitored the security feeds.

Suddenly, one of the men sprang into action, grabbing the nearest guard by the neck and slamming him to the ground.

The others quickly followed suit, dispatching the remaining guards with ruthless efficiency.

They moved like a well-oiled machine, cutting through the building's defenses like a hot knife through butter.

Their mission was clear - to steal the priceless artifact that lay at the heart of the building.

The security alarms blared as the masked men raced through the building, the guards in hot pursuit. But the men were prepared, and they quickly dispatched the guards with swift, precise blows.

They were like a pack of wolves, working together to bring down their prey. The guards' efforts were futile, and one by one, they fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

The men were ruthless, but their objective was clear - to steal the artifact and escape before they were caught. Time was of the essence, and they had to act quickly.

The men reached the vault, their hearts pounding in their chests. The security system was formidable, but they had come prepared.

One of the men expertly disabled the lock, and the door swung open with a hiss. The room was filled with a dazzling array of treasures, but the men were focused on their goal.

They made their way to the center of the room, where a shimmering object lay encased in glass.

They exchanged a look, and then, with one swift movement, they shattered the glass and grabbed the artifact. Now, all that remained was to escape.

As the men turned to leave, the alarms intensified, their blaring noise reverberating through the room. The guards had recovered and were racing towards them, guns drawn.

The men had no choice but to fight their way out. A hail of bullets flew through the air, and the men ducked and weaved, using the surrounding objects as cover.

They moved like lightning, their reflexes honed by years of training. But there were too many guards, and they were quickly becoming overwhelmed. It was then that one of the men spotted a secret exit, hidden in the shadows.

Just then Carlo turned to Chase and said, "We need to move now, there's an exit through there."

Chase nodded and they signaled the rest of the guys and they all ran towards the exit, bullets whizzing past them. They reached the door and pushed it open, but it was locked.

They looked at each other in desperation, and then the first man said, "We're going to have to break it down." Chase nodded and three of them began to ram the door with all their might.

With a loud crash, the door gave way, and they tumbled through the opening, landing hard on the ground.

Standing out the balcony on the first flat of a nicely built three storey building was a young man, of age 28,  formally dressed in a suit with a brightly colored collared shirt and a matching necktie.

He was still staring into the bright sky when he jerked up at the sound of  his phone ring.

"Sir, the applicant for the job is here at the reception. I'll tell her you'll see her in a few minutes". A female voice said over the phone.

"I'll be there shortly. Set up the meeting in my office". He said as he headed for the elevator taking long steps while walking in a showy manner.

The meeting…..

"Good day sir, I'm the applicant". She said, stretching out her hand for a shake.

"Hello, I'm Miguel" He said, taking the handshake while paying close attention to the details of her face.

She had a smooth forehead with alert eyes and a symmetric nose. Her cheeks were full and perky with a well defined jawline which perfectly complimented her refined chin and full lips. She was beautiful, he must admit. The right kind of person he needed beside him for his assignment.

"I'm your employer as you must already know. So I'm gonna be your boss from the very first day you resume your work as my secretary". Miguel said, staring directly at her face.

The interview lasted for a few more minutes and it was over.

"I will be very pleased to work with you, Mr Miguel. I'm Nannie Doss by the way, noticed you didn't ask". She said with a tone which was clearly forced to be polite.

"Submit your credentials to the lady by the right desk directly in front of my office, you'll get a call once your application is approved."

"It was a great meeting with you Miss Nannie Doss". Miquel said and turned his seat backwards facing his large office window.

"What a boss!!" Kathy said almost silently, turned and left the office then dropped her documents and headed out.

While  miquel stared outside his window, a woman in her early forties came in.

"So what do you think, Miquel? Is she fit for the job?" She asked, walking over to where Miquel was, now standing.

"Yes aunt, employ her immediately, she has to resume tomorrow, there's a lot of work to do right here in the office before we carry out the assignment."Miguel said, taking up his bag and heading out the door.

"You gotta take things cool alright, boy?" Aunt Arielle said as she walked over to him and gave him a gentle tap on his back. He gave a brief smile and nodded before leaving the room.
Miquel was a young man who worked as a managing director in his aunt's company. Aunt Arielle was the only one left of his family that wasn't a victim of his unsolved mystery.

He had lived with her since the death of his parents and she treated him like her own son. Miquel was going to carry out every one of his plans and Nannie Doss was the very key to achieving that.

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