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Yes sir you called for me". The secretary said as she entered his office.

"Is Miss Doss still not at work yet?" Miquel asked not a single bit perplexed. He had just noticed she wasn't in his office yet and it was already 9am.

It was unlike her as she had been the become the earliest to get to work after that week she had to take on the secretary's job.

"Alright give her a call and get back to me” miquel said after the secretary affirmed that she wasn't yet at work.

After what seemed like 3 minutes the secretary walked back into his office and informed him that Kathy was talking a sick leave.

According to Mia-the secretary, Kathy had said her allergies were really bad that day and she had to get treatment and would resume work the next day.

All miquel dis was give a nod, returned his attention to his system screen and continued with what he was doing.

Kathy could not give an excuse for today's meeting with the guys as it was really important she was present.

Aiden had given them a call to come to his place as he had something important to discuss with them.

When Kathy got there the rest of the guys were already sitted in his living room excluding Chase who walked in almost immediately after her.

"The police are still on our case and we can't afford to be caught if you know what I mean". Aiden said finally breaking the silence that was now getting unusual with no clear expression on his face.

Kathy could sense the odd atmosphere but she couldn't place her fingers on what exactly it was about.

Aiden stood up and lit a cheroot, staring out of the window he had closed against the mist.

"We are going to have to lay low for now. Does anyone have any questions or concerns whatsoever?" Aiden said turning towards the guys including Kathy.

No one seemed to have any so he asked that they all excuse him as he would love to have a conversation with Kathy alone.

The guys all left and wilder signalled to Kathy telling her he was waiting for her outside.

Wilder had been the closest of them all to Kathy and he had treated her like family when every other person in the team saw as just one of the Gees in the group.

"Is there a problem Aiden?" Kathy asked softly with her voice showing concern.

She was the only one who got to talk to Aiden that way. He had obvious interest in her and this gave her a leverage over the rest of the guys.

"I hear you took a Job at Infinite crude,  is that correct?" Aiden said, staring directly into her face.

"Yes Aiden, I only did that because…." Kathy was still speaking when she was cut short.

"You are going to drop it.  And you are doing it ASAP."

"What ? Drop it? Wouldn't you even let me explain?" Kathy said, unable to believe her ears.

She has just managed to successfully carry out the first step and he was asking her to drop it. There was no in hell she was going to do that.

"I'll give you till the weekend, you will present your resignation letter before me once you are done" Aiden said turning his gaze away from here showing their discussion had ended.

"What was the meeting about?" Wilder asked as soon as she stepped out, he had been waiting by the door for her.

"I'd rather not talk about it" she wasn't sure how to feel at the moment and she didn't want to rub that off on Wilder. Besides he didn't even know she took the job in the first place and would be pissed if he found out.

Wilder to press further as he clearly understood she wasn't in the mood to talk about whatever happened there.

As Kathy had her bath the next morning in preparation for work, her thoughts kept drifting back to Aiden and what they ahd discussed.

She had remembered how the conversation ended later that night and she didn't know what to think.

She had called him later in the day and proposed a deal.

"Aiden, I have a deal for you if you'd let me continue my work at Infinite crude " Kathy said over the video call that evening.

"What's the deal?" Aiden said, his face not giving any expressions.

"I'd give a 50 percent of my salary to you for the next six months, that's the duration I'm planning to work for" Kathy said sounding as convincing as she could ever be.

"I'm not going to ask what your reason for working there is, all I'll say is the salary sharing will be a 60-40 and of course you know who has the 60 percent".Aiden said with a smirk appearing on one side of his lips
Kathy wanted to hesitate but she realized it was of no use arguing and negotiating with Aiden so she agreed to his terms. Afterall she wasn't there for the money to begin with

So long as she could carry out her plan, she was going to pay whatever price it would cost her.

It had been a few weeks since Kathy started working at Infinite Crude, and she'd been feeling more and more stressed by the day. On top of that, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

She was starting to feel like she was in a pressure cooker, and she was not sure how much longer she could keep it up. Every day, she walked into the office and tried to put on a brave face, but she could feel herself cracking under the pressure.

She felt like she was being pulled in a million different directions, and she didn't know which way was up.

One day, Kathy was in the office, trying to focus on her work, when she got a phone call from an unknown number.

She answered it, and the voice on the other end asked if she was alone. She got instantly suspicious, but told the caller that she was alone.

"I know what you are doing Kathy, I see you. Watch your back". The voice said from the other side of the call. 

Kathy's heart  pounded in her chest, and she felt like she couldn't breathe.Before she could say anything, the caller hung up. Kathy was left trembling and feeling like the walls were closing in on her.

She had no idea who the caller was, but she knew that they were serious. She looked around the office, feeling like someone could be watching her at any moment.

She felt  like she was trapped in a nightmare, and she didn't know how to get out.
The only thing she knew for sure was that she had to keep going, no matter what. She had to find a way to get out of this mess, before it was too late.

As Kathy sat at her desk, she felt like she was going to explode. She'd never felt so scared and alone.

She tried to clear her mind and focus on her work, but it was no use. She couldn't stop thinking about the call, and what it could mean.

Just Then, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A shadow moved across the window, and then disappeared.

She knew it was just her imagination, but she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. She stood up from her desk and walked over to the window, but there was nothing there.

As Kathy looked out the window, she saw a man walking down the street. He was dressed in a dark suit, and he was wearing a hat that shadowed his face.

He looked up at her window, and their eyes met. Kathy's heart stopped as she stared at him moonstruck.

The man continued walking, and she watched him until he disappeared around the corner. She wondered if he was connected to the call, or if it's just a coincidence.

She couldn't stop thinking about him, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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