Chapter 1- transport

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All I hear can are screams. Screams from kids, elders, and screams I can't recognize. They don't sound human at all.

I was sleeping some minutes ago. All I can remember was my old room. I have a feeling that something bad happened. My memory is blurred and the sounds are slowly fading away.

I'm probably one of the most sane humans in this place. Many people here already lost their mind. How bad can a situation get that people forget who they are, what they are.

I was with 2 other girls in a cell before. In reality it was just a room with normal interior. We called it a cell because we found out what really happens in there.

Cameras and bugs were all across the room. We found it out one week before I got here. I don't know where my friends are. Mary and Sara are the only people I completely trusted. At least I thought that my secrets are safe with them.

I wouldn't have said a single word if I knew that we were being watched. I probably am right now too. The light that shines in my room, right into my eyes. I feel the warmth radiating of my skin.

I know that I am not sick. I know that I am not insane. So what am I doing here? The psychiatrists, doctors and therapists told me that it is for my own good.

But what is my own good if I don't know what's going on?

This place isn't a hospital. This place isn't a psychiatry. It's a prison. A prison for people that keeps them out of the world, trying to "heal" them.

Knowledge is one of the most important things in this place. You'll get to nothing if you don't know what is going on with others, nor yourself.

People have gone so insane that they created their own cults and religions. Well, that's at least what I heard.

Many rumors are coursing through the walls. You can hear them within their screams. People have been tortured for more knowledge. Knowledge isn't only the most important thing in this house, it is the most important thing in the world.

You'll understand everything if you have enough wisdom. Knowledge is something you can't have enough from. It is like a drug, a drug that you can't get enough from, a drug that you can't escape, even if you wanted to.

Many people have been in this cell. You can tell it by the scraped floor and the damaged walls. I wonder if they are as sane as I am. Or were.

Many rooms in this place don't have windows. I do. In my opinion, the sunlight is the most beautiful thing in this world. I think it's something that you shouldn't take from someone.

"Mrs. Roman? It's time for your daily check up. Please remain seated and wait on the chair."
A voice says as the speaker turns on. They have one in every room. Just like a chair. A simple wooden chair.

I don't have any shoes, the floor is cold and dirty. My clothes are slightly ripped, and my hair neatly brushed. Well, that's what you got your fingers for.

I sit down as two people walk in. One of them is a male, the other one a woman. The woman has beautiful blond hair that shines when the sun reaches her strands. The man has light brown hair, both of them wearing a mask and white scrubs.

You can see a name tag on both of them. Madeleine Hollow and Jay Tristan. Both of their names seem familiar.

"Ma'am, I'm sure you already know the process. Your temperature will be checked, and your heart rate will be measured." He says as he pulls out a
thermometer out of his scrub.

"I understand." Is all I can say to them. No one has ever answered my questions in here, and I don't think they will in the future.

Opening my mouth, Doctor Tristan places the thermometer on my tongue. A cold shudder runs down my spine as I close my mouth around it.

"It is better not to think here. It won't get you far." Says the woman while preparing the measuring device. "What makes you think that? Isn't our mind the only thing that they can't take from us?" I answer before closing my mouth again. My heart is arching in my chest.

"You are wrong. Deadly wrong." Jay utters, "Minds can be taken. Even claimed as someone else's."  He puts the device on my left side, right above my heart. "Rate 72." He declares while Doctor Hollow takes notes.

"We warned you. Have control of your mind in here, always."

That was the last thing they said before leaving the cell, making me sit alone on the wooden chair.

HEYY, this is the first chapter (this time really..) and I'm kinda happy to have it done. Just ignore the sound of wording after the docs talk.... Yeah so have fun with that and thanks for reading 😍

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