Chapter I

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A cloud of dirt kicks up around me and my brother as we spar. Our swords clash and the ring of steel echoes through the open-air training ring atop the House of Wind.

It's been a good while since Nyx and I have sparred. I needed this. The rush of adrenaline. The feeling of quiet only the fast paced dance of swords and death can bring me.

"Had enough?" Nyx taunts, bringing his blade down so hard on mine that my arm shakes with the impact.

I push him back and jab my sword at his exposed gut. "I could do this all day."

"So could I," he says as he twirls around my next attempt to stab him. "But unfortunately we have to be at the Illyrian camp by sundown, and I still have to fix my hair."

I huff out a laugh. "You and your hair."

Nyx flies at me with a flurry of attacks. I parry each and every one of them. "Just because you don't care if your hair looks like a rat's nest doesn't mean I want mine to look the same."

"Pure Illyrian vanity, through and through."

My brother growls. A sound deep in the back of his throat. He doesn't like it when I tease about his hair. He claims it's the first thing a female notices. I always wave that claim away. Being a female myself, I can say it's never the hair we notice first. It's the eyes.

Nyx's eyes are so blue they're violet. Same as mine. Same as our father. But still he prefers his raven black hair over his starflecked violet eyes.

I'll never understand males.

I spin around my brother's next attack and bring my elbow crashing into his face. Not hard enough to break his nose, but definitely hard enough to distract him. He staggers back and I kick out the backs of his knees. My brother sprawls on the hard dry dirt and I press the tip of my sword to his back.

Right between his wings.

Nyx tightens the grip on his sword, then sighs, releasing it. "Alright, you win."

I smile triumphantly and sheath my sword. My brother rolls onto his back and I offer him a hand. He takes it and I help pull him to his feet. We're both breathing hard. Sweat drips down my brother's face and I can feel my own sliding down my back under my fighting leathers.

"Next time I'll beat you," Nyx promises me, a smirk curving his lips.

I smile. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

I feel eyes on me. Placing my hands on my hips, I stare out across the courtyard. A pair of hazel eyes meet mine and Uncle Cassian swaggers out into the ring.

"Been looking for you two," he says as he approaches. The late afternoon sun shines on the ivory talons that adorn the tips of his wings, making them gleam as he walks. "Figured I'd find you here." He faces Nyx and smirks. "Amaris kicking your ass."

"She didn't kick my ass - "

"I totally did," I interrupt, grinning.

"She did, I saw the whole thing." Uncle Cass is trying hard to smother his laugh.

Nyx curls his lip and snarls. This makes Uncle Cass lose it and soon I'm laughing along with him.

When we finally stop laughing at my brother, Cassian's face suddenly turns serious. "Anyway, the reason I came up here was to tell you your parents are getting ready to leave. We all are."

I sigh. "Is it too much to hope that I can convince you to tell Mom and Dad that you couldn't find me and leave me here?"

"No chance, Mari. If I have to go so do you," Nyx grumbles.

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