II - The call for revolution

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Naya was trying very hard to hold on, but it the world seemed to be trying to strip everything from her. Her friends. Her home. Everyone she knew.

Still, she tried to hold on to everything she still had. She stitched and patched up her clothes, and tried to look good. She helped everyone she saw, even if they never helped her back or even thanked her. Some didn't even acknowledge her.

She also tried to keep her faith strong, but it was harder as the days pass. That dawn, while she sat on the warehouse along with some other kids her age as they awaited further instructions, she found it harder than ever.

Hunger pangs hit her stomach as she hugged her knees close to stop them. She was cold, shivering, her brunette curls barely keeping her head and ears warm.

Naya also felt very scared. She knew the Centre organized the trials in order to be able to take part in one of the twenty legendary units. A place to stay. Food. Warmth. That place was Heaven on Earth.

But she knew she stood no chance against the trials. The people from zone 1, who had gone before them, had been decimated when they arrived back. Tales of misery and death spread like a cold.

She'd heard rumors about physicals tests so exhausting that the candidates hanged themselves at night. Mental tests so demanding some people had panic attacks that irreversibly damaged their minds. And emotional tests that would tear her apart.

No, she wasn't ready to face the trials. But, as much as it pained her, it was the only chance.

Perhaps God would do her one last favor.

People from the Centre arrived and forced them inside an aircraft. Everyone was terrified. They were given no words, no reassuring whatsoever. Naya curled up in the floor of the aircraft, trying hard not to be stomped on by the rest of the teens and kids that were there.

Sobs and screams echoed. She covered her ears and screamed too. She let it all out, she couldn't hold it in one more instant.

The journey took two days. They were given no food or water whatsoever. Some people peed there, the stink was horrible. Naya tried to ignore it and look as neat as possible, given the situation, then the aircraft abruptly landed.

A teenager boy with a white uniform, a 20 imprinted in his chest and a sword on his hand spoke.

"Everyone, form one straight line and walk inside the building. I will shoot anyone who doesn't follow orders"

Of course, some didn't listen. Some foolish boys scoffed and ran to stand first, pushing each other.

That was the first time Naya heard a gunshot. Blood pooled in the floor. It had been so fast that their last cry of pain had been nothing more than a sigh.

She gulped her tears back, in shock, as she walked inside slowly, trying not to feel the nausea waves when her bare feet splashed the blood covering the floor.

The boy leased them inside a big white room. There was a stage in one end. He climbed up it and grabbed a microphone.

"Everyone, let me be clear. The slightest noise, bother or disobedience will be punished with death"

Naya believed them now and gulped back every noise. She felt the silent tears run down her pale cheeks.

The boy spoke again, sending chills all the way down her body.

"Our Leader, the leader of the 6th unit, will be here to assess you shortly. You may not stare at her in the eye or speak. It will be punished with death."

Naya had already started to fear and hate that so called Leader. So, when footsteps approached, she quickly lowered her head as not to stare.

Some weren't so fast, apparently. Three gunshots echoed, as if breaking glass, and three thuds followed. She could feel her boys shaking badly.

"Welcome, new shipment, tributes" a female voice spoke, firm.

Naya could feel her heart speeding up and eyes widening, but she kept her gaze firmly locked in the floor. That voice, determined, with those rolling r...

It seemed like the female noticed, because she fell silent. Naya half expected to feel a bullet piercing her skin any moment from now.


That's it. She would recognize that voice everywhere. She lifted her head and recognized the dirty blonde hair in a braid, those charcoal eyes and the dark freckles...


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