Chapter 2

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After dinner was over, Layla played outside with the kids, and then there was bath time, then bed.

Layla took her phone and a bowl of ice cream and plopped down on the couch, ready to destress from the long day. She worked early in the morning, went to get the kids from their pre-school and then home. Normally, she cooks dinner and cleans on top of it all, but luckily today she was graced by the good will of her stalkers.

Strange thing to think, 'good will of her stalkers', but that really seemed to be her reality. Those stalkers of hers took better care of Layla than her husband did. It shouldn't be that way. She shouldn't be looking forward to their notes or witnessesing their presence throughout her home and life.

Speaking of which, her phone buzzed, indicating a text that came in. She glanced up at the closed door of the office before opening the text cautiously.

"Thinking of me?" She could tell right away that it was L in the text. A didn't talk like that, he was more reserved while L was bolder and more flirtatious.

Layla rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm wondering how to get the cops here to bust your asses." She replied.

The responding text came back quickly. "You've tried that and we're still here. Got any other ideas?"

"Maybe I can booby trap my house? Watch you all get squashed by a giant boulder that rolls in. Maybe then the camera won't "glitch""

"Layla, baby," Nick's voice made her jump a little. Luckily, he couldn't see her lock and drop her phone as he was exiting the office.

"What's up?" She asked, still slightly annoyed at him for ignoring their daughter earlier.

Nick circled the back of the couch and bent to kiss her shoulder. "I just missed you, thats all."

Layla wanted to roll her eyes. "Yeah? Are you done playing that game?"

"No, just a quick break. I have obligations I have to do on there, sorry."

"You didn't speak to me or the kids all day, Nick. Why not sit out here and watch this show with me?"

Nick glanced up and grimaced at the tv. "Another asian drama? Really?"

She shrugged. "They're good."

"I'll have to pass. Like I said, I have obligations. But maybe when I'm done..." he slid his hands suggestively across her shoulders and down her arms. "Maybe we could have a little fun?"

Layla shifted uncomfortably. "Um, maybe, let's see. I'm really tired from my day at work, babe."

"That's alright, I'm sure I can persuade you." He kissed her cheek then stepped away.

Layla waited for him to use the bathroom and grab a snack before dissappearing into the office room again. She shook her head and picked up her phone again.

"What does he mean "obligations"? Taking care of his wife and kids is obligations. What the fuck is his problem? He doesn't know how to take care of what's his. Why don't you leave that bastard anyway? We could take much better care of you."

Layla sucked in a breath. That was the first time they suggested she leave him. Usually all their messages are about how they can take better care of her than Nick or that he's worthless, but never have they outright said that she should leave him.

A second message from L came in while she was debating how to respond. "And he dares to ask for you to sleep with him. He cant even fuck you properly."

Layla's cheeks heated up. "Have you been watching that? Why can't a girl get some privacy?"

"Because we're fucking obsessed with you. I can't ever get enough."

"Regardless, it's not like you can do any better." Layla rolled her eyes. These damn cocky stalkers.

"We absolutely could. If you don't believe me, we can prove it."

Layla scoffed. "No thank you. Just stay the fuck away from me."

"Something tells me that you don't really mean that. You secretly love our attention don't you? And even if you didn't, it just means we need to try harder to impress you. We love you too much to ever leave your side."

"Only in your dreams. What person enjoys being stalked? You guys are seriously violating my privacy and my life. That's not okay." These boys are ridiculous.

"You seem to enjoy it. And besides, we could take care of you and those kids much better than that fucker could. Does he even love you?"

Before she could formulate a reply, A sent his first text of the evening. "We would worship you every single day like you deserve. We could give you everything you've ever wanted. I love you, just tell me what you need and I'll do it for you."

"Anything at all? Like being left alone?"

A: "Except for that."

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