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A few things before we start!

1. This is my first ever story so I really hope you like it. If you don't, could you please just leave? Don't be rude. Thank you.
2. English isn't my first language, I am sorry about any mistakes. You can correct me in the comments✨
3. It's just pure fanfiction! Don't get mad at anything.



Hacker of the gang "Thorns"
Hates her job.
Jisung is her bestie.
(She has a lip piercing btw)

2.Christopher (Bang Chan)

Nickname: CB97
Boss of the "Skz" gang.
Sometimes works as a bartender at night for fun.

3.Hwang Hyunjin

Nickname: HJ
Member of Skz.
Owns many big clubs and bars.
Not afraid to get his hands dirty.
Has an assistant, her name is Evelyn.

4.Lee Felix

Nickname: Lix
Member of Skz.
Born to be an actor, ended up in a gang.

5.Yang Jeongin

Nickname: I.N
Member of Skz.
Is a sniper.
Has a sharp eye.

6.Seo Changbin

Nickname: SpearB
Member of Skz.
Is a bodyguard.
Protects like a stone wall.

7. Lee Minho

Nickname: Leeknow.
Member of Skz.
Is a bodyguard and sniper.
Has a boyfriend with adorable squishy cheeks.

8. Kim Seungmin

Nickname: Min.
Member of Skz.
Is a hacker.
You can't hide anything from him.

9. Han Jisung

Nickname: J.One.
Member of "Thorns"
Just a person who wants to love life.
Y/n is his bestie.
Has a boyfriend with pretty cat-like eyes.

About the characters you don't know, their personalities are going to be explained in the story.

See y'all soon! Bye bye!💖

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