Chapter 14

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Yuni: Mihara! Over here!

Mihara: Nicely done Yuni. 

Yuni: Don't I get a reward? Heh heh. 

Mihara: We'll talk about it later. I haven't decided how much you can have yet. 

Yuni: Okay!

Anis: What are these? Footprints? 

Yuni: Yes. I found them. 

Flukey: Good work Yuni. 

Flukey went on to examine the footprints. 

Flukey: Hmm. I know Raptures leave behind all kinds of tracks and footprints but this is one I've never seen before. I think it's safe to say that these might belong to the target we're out here looking for. 

Anis: Wait a minute. You still track Raptures using footprints? Talk about being stuck in the stone age. 

Yuni: Chatterbox's signal isn't so easy to pin down. 

Flukey: Oh. So Chatterbox is its name. 

Mihara: Yep. Codename Chatterbox. He's a unique organism, unlike any other Rapture we've seen before. He's our target on this operation. 

Rapi: Why? 

Flukey chimed in. 

Flukey: Just like Mihara said, Chatterbox is unique and unlike any Rapture the Ark's ever seen. The thing about us humans is that when there's something unique and never seen before, it's only natural that they'd try and obtain it, study it, and try to use it to our benefit. Even though this mindset has bit us in the ass more than it's worked in our favor. 

Mihara: Yup. The Commander basically summed up the reason. 

Flukey: Is there anything about him that stands out. Like battle scars or a missing limb? 

Mihara: Unfortunately me and Yuni have never seen him in person. The only thing we have to go on is the footprints he leaves behind. 

Flukey: I see. 

Neon: Seems like we're gonna need a miracle on this mission. 

Anis: Or luck. 

Rapi: Still though. To send the Commander out on a mission like this is ludicrous, even if he's bested the odds. 

Flukey: You're right about that Rapi. But when one of my superiors say jump I got no choice but to say how high. 

Then Flukey looked up to see that the sun was starting to set. 

Flukey: The sun's setting. We better find a place to camp at so we can rest up for tomorrow. 

Neon: Hey. Why not that old building over there? 

Neon pointed to a nearby building that looked old but stable. 

Flukey: Well that takes care of that. Let's head in. 

Flukey, Counters, and Wardess headed into the building and set up both a camp and decoys to ward off Raptures, giving the group some peaceful time to rest. 

Despite that, the only one that went to sleep was Yuni, who rested her head on Mihara's lap. 

Seeing this sight, Flukey was compelled to ask a question that's been on his mind for a while now. 

Flukey: Hey Mihara, can I ask you something? 

Mihara: Of course Commander. What is it? 

Flukey: You and Yuni. From what I've seen, it looks like you two are very close. Almost like you two are dependent on each other. Is there any truth to that?

Anis: Yeah I've wondered that myself.

Mihara giggled. 

Mihara: That's one way to look at our bond Commander. To be honest, we have no choice but to rely on each other. When two people are together, they're like two gears in perfect sync. Yuni and I are crooked gears. No one else fits with us. But sometimes, two crooked gears can be a perfect match. That's how I met Yuni. Neither of us is perfect, but we're perfect for each other. I realize how strange we must seem to people on the outside looking in. 

Neon: No, I didn't. It's kind of....sweet. 

Flukey: More than sweet. I think it's beautiful. It's rare nowadays for Nikkes to have strong bonds with each other. Even harder for humans. Once a bond is broken or taken away, it's...hard to open your heart to that chance again....

In a moment, Flukey felt a painful chill course through his heart and Anis, Neon, and Mihara noticed this. 

Anis: Commander....are you alright? 

Neon: Master? 

Flukey: Oh sorry. Just in thought is all. We all should join Yuni and get some sleep. 

The girls knew there was something more going on with their Commander but regardless they agreed and the gang all slept together. 

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