It Started When We Was Younger

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Zac and Fatima meet in high school she was on the volleyball team and he was on the basketball team. She was dating a guy name Trevor and he was dating a girl name Bailee. They became best friends and close they did not start dating until about a year ago. Fatima always liked Zac but never said anything until he made the first move. They first started on Valentine's Day after they both were dumped a week before Valentine's Day.

Present Day
Zac: So what do you say Fatima?
Fatima: I say yes baby (they kiss and Fatima admires her ring) get in bed with me Mr. Taylor
Zac:I can do that (they get in bed together and snuggle up)
Fatima: You know you made me smile right?
Zac: Oh I do when do you want to get married?
Fatima; This summer in July to be exacted
Zac: Fine with me big or small
Fatima; Go big or go home Zachery you know me I don't like anything small (they both look at each other and burst out laughing)
Zac: I love you Ti you keep me on my toes (he kisses her noses) I can't believe you're about to be my wife in five months.
Fatima: Me either we get tell my mother
Zac: We can do that you want get dressed and head to meet her (Fatima nods and gets dressed and they head to the hospital to see Fatima mother)
Fatima: Hey mom (she turns around)
Rachel: Oh my baby is here (she runs up to greet Fatima)
Fatima: Hey mommy
Rachel: Oh I missed you baby
Fatima; I missed you too
Rachel: Hey Zachery (she hugs him) I love how you keep a smile on my baby face cause you know I work so much
Zac: Thank you know I try so we got something we want tell you (Fatima looks at him with a smile)
Fatima: Mom Zac asked me to marry him
Zac: I did and she said yes (she shows her the ring)
Fatima: Mommy it's my favorite color
Rachel: My babies are getting married he put a ring on it finale I am so happy I'm be a grandma soon too get them babies to popping out too (Zac starts to laugh and so does Fatima)
Fatima: Let's plan the wedding first and then let me graduate and then make partner and then pop out the first baby okay
Rachel: Okay cool

(They go to the cafeteria to eat and then head back to Zac penthouse)

Fatima:(lays across the bed) So baby where do you want get married?
Zac: I don't know it's up 2 up?
Fatima: Zac Pooh we got plan something (he looks at her)
Zac: Let's go overseas and get married
Fatima: Overseas what part?
Zac: Honduras
Fatima: I want do something fancy so I'm down
Zac: Okay let's look at venues (she smiles and Zac kisses her on the forehead)

A week goes by and Fatima and Zac start planning a wedding. They Skype everyday and talk about the wedding plans and Zac starts on a special graduation party for Fatima in May.

At Fatima dorm room
Fatima: (on the phone) You know I love you
Zac; I love you to your the future lawyer the Mrs to my life I love you so much baby (they smile at each other)
Fatima:(knock at her door) Hold baby I'm see who this is (she opens the door and gasp)
Trevor: (smiles at Fatima) Hey Fatima
Fatima; Zac baby hold on Trevor what the hell are you doing here (Zac listens)
Trevor; Well I was in town and I wanted to see you
Fatima: Wait what are you serious?
Trevor: I am standing here ain't I
Fatima: You got some nerve leave me be (she closes the door) Zac let me call you back
Zac: You need me pull up?
Fatima: No baby your like four hours away it's fine Zac I'm take a shower and finish this homework and go to bed I love you
Zac: Fatima do you honestly need me to hop in my car and pull up?
Fatima: Zac no I don't shit I'm go okay
Zac: Fatima don't do that
Fatima: No Zac I'm fine okay can I have a moment please (he looks at her)
Zac: Alright call me an hour if your up
Fatima: I will if I'm up (they hang up and Fatima goes to take a shower and get ready for bed)

Trevor comes back to Fatima dorm she opens the door

Trevor; Hey thank you
Fatima: Don't thank me why are you here?
Trevor: Damn Ti it's like that
Fatima: Yeah it's like that
Trevor: Fine I miss you
Fatima: You miss me well I don't miss you Trevor you left me for Bailee remember
Trevor; And you started dating Zac so we even
Fatima: Oh this what this about Trevor you can go on back to school cause I don't want or need you

Zac heads to meet Fatima and his phone rings he answers.

Bailee: Hey Zac
Zac: Who is this?
Bailee; Me it's your ex
Zac: Bailee
Bailee: Yeah I was in town and I ran into your mother and she gave me your number damn you ain't think to give me a copy
Zac: Hell no we ain't together you dumped me for Fatima ex remember
Bailee; Damn Zac
Zac: Ain't no damn Zac get off my line and don't ever call me (click Zac immediately calls his mother)

Gail; Hey son
Zac:Ain't no hey son why did you give Bailee my number?
Gail: (takes a deep breath) Zac she misses you
Zac: So she left me ma and she told me the baby was not mine and guess what I did I moved on
Gail: Yes I know but Bailee tested Trevor it was not his either it's yours
Zac: Mom did you just try that the baby is not mine you know how I know Bailee and I hardly had sex she was screwing a lot guys I found out before she broke up with me I was about to break up with her and she did it for me
Gail; You really out here being a deadbeat just like your father
Zac: Bye mom you need accept the fact I'm marry Fatima and not Bailee let it go bye (click)

Scene switches to Fatima and Trevor

Trevor; I need tell you something about Bailee
Fatima: What is it?
Trevor; Zac is her baby father (Fatima looks at him)
Fatima; Your lying
Trevor; I actually am not look (shows her the picture)
Fatima; That baby don't look like Zac
Trevor; Don't be dumb Fatima (she looks at him)
Fatima;Dumb nigga please get out my door way and away from me (she closes the door and Zac calls her)

Zac:(on the phone) Yo Fatima
Fatima: What?
Zac: (takes a deep breath) Trevor must of came back and told you something
Fatima: He did
Zac: Okay Bailee called me and I called my mother she thinks we have a baby together
Fatima; I don't know do you Zac
Zac: Fatima ugh don't you dare do this I ain't Trevor I would never hurt you about to piss me off
Fatima: Goodnight Zac
Zac: Man Fuck

(He pulls up an hour later and gets out the car and bangs on Fatima dorm room she gets up and opens the door)

Zac: Fatima Saylor Wilson
Fatima; What Zachery?
Zac: May I come in
Fatima: No
Zac:(he pushes thru) Move
Fatima: You ain't staying
Zac; What you gone put me out?
Fatima: No I ain't
Zac: Then what you gone do?
Fatima:(starts to cry) I don't know I don't know okay I'm sorry for acting like a brat okay I'm just scared if the baby is yours
Zac: (walks up to her and pulls her close) I love you your the only one that is gone have my babies okay
Fatima: Zac how do you know
Zac: Because I know it's not mine (she looks up at him)
Fatima: Zac I'm tired of being hurt
Zac: Have I ever hurt you?
Fatima: No baby you have not (he pulls her chin up)
Zac: You got trust me baby (they kiss and get in bed together)

Happy Valentine's Day From The Taylor's Where stories live. Discover now