Nothing But Death Can Keep Me From You

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The next day Fatima wakes up in Zac arms and she kisses him good morning. He wakes up and licks her face she screams his name.

Fatima: Zachery Taylor why
Zac: Don't do that (he pulls her in for a tight hug) I want stay like this forever with my boo
Fatima: I'm always be your boo
Zac: That you are baby girl
Fatima: I'm your girl?
Zac: Yes I can't wait to marry you my beautiful princess soon to be queen (she kisses Zac)
Farina: I got go to class you will wait for me
Zac: Hell ya I will (Fatima kisses him and then goes to brush her teeth and wash her face and gets dressed for class but all day in class she can't concentrate she thinks about her boo)

Angela:(walks up) Hey boo
Fatima: Hey girl we can't study today Zac is in town
Angela: Okay well call me later John needs a tutor
Fatima: Okay bet call you later
Angela: Mhmm you and Zac don't have too much fun (Fatima smiles and walks back to her room Zac walks out the room and she looks at him)
Zac: Hey baby I was about to go get our crawfish
Fatima; Awe okay hurry back (she kisses him and adds tongue) I love you Mr. Taylor
Zac: Oh you know I love you too baby girl
(She walks in the room and takes a shower and wash her hair and then blow drys it and puts in a mess bun)
Fatima: That's it Fatima Taylor (she smiles and then walks out the room)

An hour pass and Fatima gets a call from unknown number she doesn't answer. She then tries to call Zac but it goes straight to voicemail and then she gets worried. She decides to call the number back and Bailee picks it up.

Fatima: Hello
Bailee; Fatima Wilson
Fatima: Yes who is this
Bailee; This your boo baby mama
Fatima; Bailee you ain't Zac baby mama you ain't no one baby mama
Bailee; We will see little tricky you need to tell your baby I need my money for pulls up and daycare cause his soldiers do march (click)
Fatima; That little bitch (Zac walks in)
Zac: Hey what's with the name calling now?
Fatima; It's Bailee that little bitch called me (Zac walked over)
Fatima; Ain't no baby I called you
Zac: I left my phone here it dead I should said something (he searches for it and shows her)
Fatima: I had a charger in this room Zac
Zac: For android?
Fatima: You need get an iPhone ASAP
Zac: Yeah I do so are you ready to eat?
Fatima: Yeah but Zac we need to talk about Bailee
Zac: Do we have to do this right now Fatima I don't want talk about her I already been on the phone with her all day about this alleged child
Fatima; Why was you on the phone with her all day Zac you could did one call
Zac: I know but my father thinks to play nice it help with the custody battle when or if he is mine.
Fatima; Wait you said last night it was not yours
Zac: I don't think so
Fatima: Wow Zac so it maybe your child
Zac: Fatima I don't know I know Bailee was a hoe but I did have sex with her
Fatima;  So your saying I maybe a step mother
Zac: Yes or no I don't know Fatima but I don't want be a deadbeat like my father
Fatima: You sound Fucking dumb the child may not be yours and your gone take care of it Zac I don't like this
Zac: I know I'm sorry baby it's a lot but I need found out if the baby is mine can you promise me something
Fatima; Zac I can't do that baby I'm sorry
Zac: So you would leave me if the baby is mine?
Fatima: Yes I would (she walks away)
Zac: No no no your not running away Fatima K cant loses you mean everything to me why are you acting like this the baby may not even be mine and now your  mad
Fatima: Zac you know I deal with a lot insecurities
Zac: I know but Fatima I won't hurt you
Fatima: Do you still love Bailee
Zac: No I love you I have always been honesty I never hide things from you look at me (she looks away) Fatima look at me DAMN it
Fatima; I'm looking Zachery
Zac: I will know soon I promise rock with me okay (he kisses her and she doesn't kiss back)

Two weeks go by and Zac gets a message from DNA lab he opens the later and gasps and leaps for joy.

Bailee:(comes knocking) Let me in Zac we need to talk?
Zac:(opens the door) What Bailee
Bailee; You happy now your billionaire father paid someone to do this test
Zac; No Bailee you just a hoe
Bailee; I'm a hoe
Zac: Hell yeah why are you here
Bailee: Can I talk to you in your house
Zac; No I'm call Fatima
Bailee; Fatima really I need talk to you
Zac: About what?
Bailee: You remember that night you was at that party
Zac: What part?
Bailee; You remember you and Fatima had an argument and you came to my room and you Fucked me good (Zac looked at her) I know I would jog your memory
Zac: Bailee shut up
Bailee; You did a lot that night
Zac: Bailee let me explain
Bailee; I bet Fatima would want to know what happened cause I bet she don't know
Zac: You would not tell her would you
Bailee; Try me you (he looks at her)
Zac: Bailee Fatima would leave it was one time
Bailee; It was and I need money you got until the end of the week to make it happen or I will release this information to Fatima I bet she would want to know I guess that's why you been so freely open with her about everything Oh Zac tell me everything Aww he don't does he check mate bitch (she opens the door and leaves)

Zac; Man Fuck (Zac calls Fatima she picks up) Hey baby
Fatima; Hey baby what did the test say
Zac: I'm not his father
Fatima: OMG (Fatima pulls up and gets out) Open the door won't you
Zac: Fatima (she runs and kisses him)
Fatima; Baby I been so mean to you I'm so sorry please forgive me
Zac: Fatima I have to tell you something come inside
Fatima: Zac what's wrong your scarring me
Zac; Fatima I fucked up
Fatima: What you mean Fucked up?
Zac: Please come inside
Fatima: No you tell me now
Zac; Fatima remember that night we had an argument
(Fatima folds her arms)
Fatima; We had a lot so spill it nigga
Zac; I fucked up and I Fucked the Shit out of Bailee and I tried to forget but she black mailing me (Fatima look at him) Say something Fatima scream punch me in the face I deserve it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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