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"Take a seat, any seat you'd like. Would you like something to drink?"

"Not yet, thanks."

"Alright then... So, to start things off, my name is Carol Schmidt, but you can simply call me Carol. I'll be your counselor for the next five months. After those months, we will see if there is further guidance needed."

"Schmidt? Isn't that German?"

"Yes it is! I wasn't raised in Germany, but I do have my German origins. You are... Japanese, right?"




"Haha... my apologies. It's just strange to have a... unique client like you."


"Well, yes. Given you're a well-known and tough hedgehog... I don't usually get heroes like you as a client... Do you know why you've been called here, Sonic?"

"...My friends say I've been acting off."


"I don't get them. I don't feel off."

"That may be possible... but sometimes, people act off without knowing it themselves. Your friends seem concerned about you, and they just want you to be alright. That's why they called me in, and that's what we're gonna look at these five months."


"Do you know what your friends say exactly? About you acting off?"

"...Uhm. They've been saying I talk odd sometimes. That I behave in a way I don't usually do. My closest friend says I close myself off sometimes. But it just leaves me confused, y'know."

"I see. And you say you don't feel off right now?"

"No. I don't see why I would."

"Well, to me, you seem a little nervous. Are you?"

"...Well, yeah."

"Alright. Don't worry, it's completely normal to feel nervous. This is our first talk together, so it's okay if some things aren't said right away. We can take things in slow steps, if that's what you'd like."


"I know you don't like hearing slow things, but five months is a long while. If we rush everything, we might end up too early... So, we'll take one at a time, okay?"

"Does all this make me sick in the head?"


"Now that I gotta go to therapy. Does it make me ill like the others?"

"Sonic, there's no need to jump to that conclusion! Maybe it really is nothing, and maybe you're just going through the puberty teens go through. But maybe, there's something major going on that causes these little hints. Again, this is our first session. You're not automatically ill in the head now.."


"Back on the topic though, what your friends describe could easily be glossed over as mood swings. Those are very common, especially with your age, Sonic."

"I don't remember having them, though."

"You don't?"

"Nope. My memory has been a lil wacky in itself though, is that puberty too?"

"That's a possible cause, yes. How exactly would you describe your... wacky memory, as you say?"

"...Well... Days seem to go by sometimes. Like, it can jump to Monday to... Wednesday or something. And then usually my friends say I acted off. On a day I can't seem to remember."

"...I see."

"Is that weird?"

"...Yes, in my eyes it is... seems like the forgetfulness and the apparent mood swings you talked about tend to... cooperate with one another, right?"

"Guess so..."


"You don't seem too comfortable anymore, Sonic... Is it alright if we stop here then? This was short for a first session, but we can try and have a longer one next time, okay?"


"I'll see you next week, same day?"

"Sounds good."

"Oh, and... if you remember, can you register the moments you forget some days? Along with comments your friends made. And one more thing... what's your favorite color?"

"...Uhh, I dunno. Pink, maybe."

"Haha, I see... See you next time, Sonic!"

"Bye-bye Carol!"

– END –

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