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"Welcome back, Sonic."


"...I apologize for last time. Maybe I was too straightforward with everything. Maybe this time we should take it in slower steps, okay?"


"...So, to begin, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, honestly... I've been busy."

"Oh? With what?"

"Just... hm."

"...You don't have to tell me."

"It's not that. I guess it just... feels more busy than it actually is. Y'know?"

"Like, in your head?"

"...Yeah, actually."

"That can be normal, yes. Do you feel like you need to stay busy with something?"

"...Yes... and no. It kinda depends."

"Hmm... I see. What do you usually keep yourself busy with then?"

"Hobbies....uhm. Like skating or... hm."

"You seem to be thinking a lot..."

"Oh no, it's hard to think is all. *Sigh* I didn't catch enough sleep last night..."

"Oh? Do you know why?"

"...I don't know... I feel like I sleep too little lately. But normally I sleep a normal sleep schedule."

"How many hours?"

"...Nine... or ten... sometimes i sleep twelve hours, though."

"That seems pretty alright for someone your age... *Giggle* Except the twelve hours of course. What keeps you awake when you can't sleep though?"

"...Myself? Maybe?"

"What part of you? Your body, your mind?"

"My body, usually... I have pretty restless nights because I have an urge to move. I even twitch sometimes. Is that weird?"

"No, not really. These are hypnic jerks you're going through."

"Hypnic jerks?"

"These are also called "sleep starts". They're usually small and sudden twitches that occur in the process of going from awake to asleep.
Don't worry, they're not linked to any illnesses or disorders and theyre harmless. But they can be caused stress and anxiety. Do you feel stress, Sonic?"

"...A little, yeah. I don't know where it comes from."

"We can find that out eventually. Say, when do you sleep those twelve hours? Does something occur before or during it?"

"Well... I feel a huge exhaustion sometimes. And I try to fight it, but in the end I still fall asleep."

"You fight the exhaustion? But that'll only make it worse..."

"I feel like I have to. I don't want people to worry... tch, but I guess they already do.

. . .

I'm tired."

"I can clearly see that... but can you hang on for a little longer? I asked you if you could note down days or moments you don't seem to remember. Did you do that?"

"Yeah... I wrote it down on a lil' paper. I have it with me, but there's just one thing."

"That's okay. Can I read it, or will you read it for me?"

"You can read it... if you can understand my handwriting."

"Oh, I'm sure I will, no worries!

. . .

Crying? You've been spotted crying?"

"Yeah. I definitely had to write that down... I don't cry at all, let alone in front of someone."

"Did you experience this, or did someone tell you?"

"My best friend told me. And I don't know if it's a true thing or something to mess me with."

"I see... do you have more info? Did you say something while crying, according to your friend?"

"...Um... I don't think so. He walked into my room and found me crying. He said he tried calming me down but it didnt work, appearently. He decided it was best to just... leave me be."

"Sometimes that's the only good option, yeah... and you don't remember any of that?"



What happened before? Do you know that?"

"I... hm. I'm not sure."

"What do you remember?"

"...It's a bit personal. I don't know if I'm ready to tell anyone that yet."


"I-It's nothing serious, though."

"Are you sure? No harm?"

"No harm at all... it's just a bit... weird to explain."

"Well, I'm not forcing you to say or do anything... but I hope you're able to tell me somewhere in the future. Maybe whatever happens before you lose a memory is a reason why you're experiencing all of this. You know?"

"...Probably. I'm unsure."

"You are really tired, huh..."


"Alright. We can end our session here. I'll be thinking of what may be causing all this. Meanwhile, you can note down more stuff. Do you keep a diary?"

"...Uhm. Yeah."

"Then use that! I bet it'll help. Oh and... what's your favorite color again?"

"...Pink? I guess? Why are you asking it again?"

"Oh, I just forgot last time. *Giggle* I'll see you next week okay?"


– END –

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