Chapter 1-An Old Memory

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One Piece is not mine

Uta looked out into the sea waves as a tone dial  rang out, a boys voice singing out into the air. "Hey, where's this song from?" she asked. It's sounded oddly familiar and reminded her of her first dream. A dream that couldn't be fulfilled.

The little reindeer Chopper chirped, "Its from this really popular singer! What's his well, it's doesn't matter! He's really talented and people all over love his music." Utas navigator, Nami, joined in, "I heard he's having a concert nearby on an island called Elegia, which actually isn't too far from here."

"Why don't we go?" Asked Sanji, the cook, "Could be fun." Uta listened to the voice coming from the tone dial and looked back at her crew.

Chopper was grinding medicinal herbs intently. Nami was sunbathing with Sanji swooning over her while Robin tended to her and Usopps garden. Usopp and Franky were working on a project of some sort with Brook practicing his violin diligently. Jinbe was steering the Sunny, the crews ship. Zoro was nowhere to be found, and so was either napping, working out, or lost.

Everyone was looking at Uta expectantly (except Zoro). "Why not! It won't hurt to go check it out at least!" She proclaimed. Chopper lit up and Jinbe changed course accordingly.

The tone dial stopped and Uta looked at it. That song, that voice. It reminded her of him.

-----------—12 years earlier-------------

"Ha! Beat you again!" Uta yelled triumphantly. "Shut up! Let's have another contest! I'll beat you for sure!" Yelled a younger boy. That was Luffy, who was 2 years younger than Uta, and came from the village the Red-Haired Pirates were staying at.

He and Uta had struck up a rivalry instantly and he just couldn't accept the fact that she was better at everything than him. "Let's have a singing contest!" He yelled.

Uta felt an evil smile grow on her face. She was a songstress and a diva. She certainly could beat him at this. "Alright! Let's have Shanks and the others decide who wins" "Ok!" She and Luffy headed over to the bar where Shanks usually was when he wasn't busy.

"Shanks" she said loudly "Luffy and I are going to have a singing competition and we want you guys to be the judges!" Shanks looked over and smiled and asked "Who's going first?"

"I will, of course." replied Uta. The Red-Haired Pirates instantly got into action, setting up a table for her to stand on. Alright Luffy, I'll show you how to sing. Uta thought smugly.

"Where did it come from?
Where could this wind be taking us?
I look up to sky hoping for answers but there is no reply
Where will it end up, this song that I've been a vessel for?
I look within knowing I'll find the answer even on my own
Let's row out to the open sea, far as we can go
To the unknown

I've got to keep on dreaming
No surrendering, go on
Hoist the sail inside my open heart
And let me heed the call of the sea
I've got to keep on singing
Until you feel it, just hold on
Oh, the winds will change, I promise you
My voice will see us through to the end"

Uta finished her song and Luffy stood there, eyes sparkling. "Wow! You sing really good!" "Well of course! Im a songstress!" Shanks nodded approvingly at her and said, "Now how about Luffy goes?"

Luffy nodded and said, "You are pretty good! But I don't think I'm too bad myself."
Lufffy was probably bluffing, as he often did when he knew Uta was better. Luffy took a breath and

"Hi, do you mind hearing what's on my mind?
Only thinking of a song, please don't laugh along
Walk the sky with an SOS
And I, and I, and I...

Well I, saw the bottom of the sea, inside of a dream
Ash was covering my skin as breath escaped, only
Swaying on with the tide, staring straight up at the sky
It ran again right through my hands
Falling pieces of a dream, saw you crying back at me
Couldn't get it out, all the seafoam and the colors in my mouth

Swimming light across the air, piercing through the sky, I stare
Hidden very deep, in the letters and the waves
You're drifting from me, floating far away


Right, so tonight holding tight, and I'll know when it's right
Sing my song and don't laugh along
Sea train riding away so long
With my tears, they're gone, they're gone

If you leave, lemme breathe, take it, all that you see
Fading out upon the track, go and don't come back
Walk the sky, doubled double time
And I, and I, and I"

Uta stared wide eyed as the younger boy as he snickered mischievously. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating or if he was really that good. Some may say that he was actually better than her.

"Told you I was good at singing" Luffy teased. Even Makino was looking shocked. Shanks was looking at the boy and asked, "Where did you learn to sing, Luffy?"

"I've always been able to sing, ever since I was little!" he replied blithely. "I've never heard Luffy sing before" Makino stated quietly, clearly shocked. Shanks, the crew, Makino and Uta were all shocked.

A few days later

Luffy and Uta were sitting by the docks drawing. "Hey! We should make a symbol of our dreams together!" Luffy chirped suddenly. Uta decided, "Then let's have a drawing contest!" Luffy nodded and they started drawing. Uta drew a pirate symbol with microphones as the crossbones and a skull with a straw hat.

She was coloring it in when Luffy started tapping her shoulder. She looked over and saw an odd gold and red amorphous blob. "What's that supposed to be?" She asked  venomously.

"Shanks hat!" Luffy stated matter-of-factly. Uta started at him for a minute and decided that it was better to leave him to his doings.

When she was done she showed Luffy and  he proclaimed, "That should be our pirate flag!" Our pirate flag? she wondered. She hadn't ever thought about leaving Shanks' crew.

"This" he continued, lifting up his drawing, "Is the mark of our new genesis!" Uta laughed but also nodded, thinking it was cute. "Sure! It's good!"

Shanks suddenly walked up to then and asked for them to come with him. Uta and Luffy followed him and entered Makinos bar. "What is it?" Uta asked curiously. "I've been planning a trip to an island, and I want both of you to come with us."

Utas jaw dropped. Shanks was asking Luffy to go with them to an island? She looked over and his eyes were sparkling like never before. "Then I'm not going!" shouted Uta angrily.

She didn't like how Shanks suddenly decided to take him after their singing contest. "Why not Uta? You'll both enjoy this!" asked Shanks. "You're playing favorites now because his singing was good!" she pouted.

Uta was angry, but she suddenly saw Luf guys opening a chest and taking the contents out. It was an odd fruit. She yelled as he bit into it and swallowed. Everyone looked back at him and the bar decended into chaos.

"Luffy! Did you eat the fruit in that chest?!" shouted Lucky Roux. Luffy nodded and Shanks yelled, "Luffy! You just ate the Sing-Sing fruit! You can't ever swim again and you will drown if you fall in water!" "No way!"

Days passed and Uta was not going to be convinced to go. Shanks had given up trying to persuade her, but Luffy was still begging her to go. "Please Uta! It'll be lonely without you!" he whined.

"No! I'll train myself here and you can go off!" "Please Uta!" Uta shook her head and watched her fathers crew prepare to leave. "Luffy! It's time to go!" Shanks called. Luffy ran up on the ship and the crew started preparing the ship. "See you later, Uta!" shouted Luffy, "I promise to tell you all about the trip when I'm back!" Uta yelled back, "See you!"

1 week later

Uta watched as her fathers ship approached the port and waited excitedly. She was excited to hear about what had happened, and felt regret that she didn't go.with them. As the ship docked her crew walked off single file solemnly.

"Where's Luffy?" she asked worriedly. She saw her father and yelled, "Where's Luffy? Is he ok?" Shanks looked over and said flatly, "He's not coming back, Uta. I'm sorry." Uta felt the tears well up in her eyes. Was Luffy dead?

"What happened!?" Uta shouted desperately. Shanks ignored her pleas and  walked off towards Makinos bar.

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