Act 1: 5 years Later...

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Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Powder, and Alastor were climbing up the side of a building in Piltover. "You guys okay?" Vi asked as she was ahead of them. "Yeah!" Claggor called. Vi climbed up onto the roof and reached a hand out to Powder. Powder took her hand, and Vi helped her up.

She helped Mylo and Claggor up but left Alastor to climb up himself. Alastor, who was smiling, didn't really care. He was used to it. Once he was on the roof, he joined Powder's side.

They looked over Piltover in awe, and an airship flew over them. "One of these days, I'm going ride one," Powder said. "Same," Alastor replied with a genuine smile. "And one these days, I'm going to shoot one of them down," Mylo stated, doing a finger gun.

"Let's focus," Vi stated, pushing Mylo's hand down. She grabbed Powder's hand and pulled her away from Alastor as they jumped down onto a lower roof. "Vi, are you sure this is a good idea?" Claggor asked as they followed them. "Yup," she replied. Then the group stopped, and Vi instructed, "Follow my lead."

She slid down the roof and caught the railing of a balcony, then lauched herself onto the roof across from them. Mylo went next and did it effortlessly. Then Claggor went next and did it just as well, snatching a cupcake from the balcony. He quickly ate it, and they noticed that Alastor and Powder hadn't gone yet.

Powder's eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty, and Alastor placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and saw his reassuring smile.

"Called it. Why did we bring them again?" Mylo asked. Even though he was smiling, Alastor sent a deadly glare toward Mylo. It sent shivers down his spine as Claggor said, "I'll get them."

"No. Powder, remember what I told you?"

"That...I'm ready."

"Exactly. Come on, you can do it."

"She's right, Powder," Alastor agreed with a soft smile. "You can do it. Don't worry. I'll be right behind you." Powder smiled back and managed to do the same thing the others did but less graceful. When she landed, she almost fell backward, but Vi caught her by the wrist just in time.

"Thanks," she replied as Vi pulled her away from the edge. Suddenly, Alastor landed right next to Powder with a smirk and two cupcakes. "Told you," he replied, handing a cupcake to her. She smiled and took a cupcake. Vi frowned and grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Alastor.

The group started walking, and Alastor joined Powder's side as the two ate their cupcakes. By the time they finished their cupcakes, they got to their destination. Vi and Mylo landed on the balcony, and Claggor helped Alastor and Powder onto the balcony before jumping down himself.

"Who locks their balcony?" Mylo asked himself as he started picking the lock. Claggor peaked over the railing and said, "That's a lot of Enforcers down there."

"That means we're in the right place," Vi replied and turned to Mylo. "Can you hurry up?"

"Can you wait? Considering I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, I suggest you -"

Vi kicked the door open and walked past Mylo. "Animals," he muttered as Claggor, Powder, and Alastor walked past him. They explored and searched the apartment for any valuable things. They tossed said things into a bag, and Alastor and Powder ended up wandering into another room.

Powder spotted a sandwich and quickly gobbled it up. As she did, Alastor spotted a chest. With a widening smirk, he said, "Hey, Powder. Check this out."

"What is it?" Powder asked, approaching the chest. "What do you think is in it?" Alastor asked. "I don't know, Al. Let's see if we can open it."

The two managed to find a button and pressed it, causing the chest to pop open. Inside were 7 blue spherical crystals that glowed. "What are they?" Alastor asked with an inquisitive smile. "I don't know," Powder replied, picking up one of the crystals and holding it up.

Human Alastor X Arcane Crossover: The Radio Demon And JinxWhere stories live. Discover now