SSBU Reactions to Their S/O Surprising Them w/ Food

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Characters: Bayonetta, Joker, Sora, and Zero Suit Samus

This was requested by scaredwarrior88 on Tumblr.


- "Why, thank you darling, I'm famished!"

- She will eat the entire plate and then ask for seconds.

- Bayonetta has the best table manners you could possibly imagine. Even if she's ravenous, you'll never catch her eating like a wild animal, especially not in front of you. She looks so elegant while she eats and somehow manages to never get a single crumb on her face.

- She will happily feed some to Gomorrah. It may be a spawn of Satan, but hey, demons need to eat too.

- Speaking of which, Gomorrah now loves you for this.

- She'll make sure that you have some too; she refuses to eat unless you eat with her.

- As a pleasant conversationalist, she has plenty of things to talk about. Bayonetta will happily listen to whatever you might have to say, but she'll definitely be the one to direct the conversation.

- She adores your smiling face as you both dine with delight.

- Between you, Bayo, and Gomorrah, there will be no leftovers; every last morsel will be gone.

- After you're done, she'll give you a big hug and a smooch, thanking you again for the delicious meal.

- You better believe that she will return the favor when you least expect it.

- After you're done eating, she'll insist that you relax while she cleans everything up.

- If you still have room in your stomach, Bayonetta will probably pamper you with dessert. Don't try to deny it; you'll only end up losing the fight.

- "Oh please, after all you've done for me, you deserve it, darling."


- The first thing he'll notice walking into the mansion is the smell filling the air.

- It's an amazing scent, and he'll be pleasantly surprised to see you in the kitchen.

- He doesn't even realize how hungry he is until he sees all of the food there, waiting for him.

- He'll eat so much, it's not even funny.

- Morgana will tell him to slow down numerous times, and Joker will completely ignore him every single time.

- You and Morgana will have to keep an eye on him because there's a large possibility that he might choke.

- He nearly did choke at one point, which was super scary.

- If Morgana tries to steal some, Joker will swat his paw away.

- He'll definitely have more than one plate of food. Good thing you made extra.

- When he first starts eating, he'll wolf everything down and all his manners will go out the window. As he continues, he'll slow down to a normal pace and eat like a normal person.

- He'll apologize afterward for being so messy and will help you clean up afterward.

- Leftovers for later? Hell yeah.

- Expect him to ask you for the recipes. He totally isn't gonna steal them to impress his friends back home.

- He'll give you a sweet kiss on the forehead as thanks for everything you've done for him.

- Post-dinner cuddles! That meal hit all the right spots, and the best thing to do now is to relax and let everything settle.


- He'll get SO excited.

- "Woah, this is all for me?! Thanks!"

- He'll eat way more than you expect him to. You'd never think that much food could fit inside his stomach. He'll just keep eating and eating and eating some more.

- You'll have to hide some food if you want leftovers, because at the rate Sora will go, it won't look like he's stopping anytime soon.

- He wants to show his appreciation as much as he can, so he tries to eat a ton. Sora won't wolf everything down, but he'll eat at a quicker pace than one should.

- Sora thinks everything is delicious; he literally has hearts in his eyes from how in love with the food he is.

- Looking up and seeing you chuckling and smiling at him makes everything even better. Just knowing that you made the food fills him with joy.

- He won't stop thanking you for everything. He'll say it ten times before he even starts eating.

- He keeps trying to talk to you while he eats. You constantly have to remind him to swallow his food before he starts speaking.

- When he's finished, he finishes it off with a big burp and leans back in his seat, hands patting his stomach. He'll thank you for the thousandth time before getting up to give you a hug.

- Ten minutes later, Sora'll get a massive stomachache from how much food he ate. He doesn't mind though; in his eyes, it was all worth it.

Zero Suit Samus

- She'll be shocked at first. All of this food is for her and her alone? No, this doesn't feel right.

- She'll feel bad that you went through all of this hassle just for her. But once you reassure her that it's no trouble at all and you're more than happy to cook for her, that tiny smile of hers will finally appear on her face.

- Samus insists that you eat with her. You've done all this hard work, you deserve to sit back and relax for a change.

- Out of all four characters mentioned here, she is the most calm about the whole thing. Don't mistake this for a lack of care; she greatly appreciates what you did for her.

- Out of all four characters, she's also the one who leaves the most leftovers. She wants to make it last; it sucks to spend hours on food only to have people eat all of it in one fell swoop in nearly half the time.

- She remains quiet for the most part, listening to what you have to say without interruption and only giving input when necessary.

- You can see the gratitude in her eyes as she consumes everything.

- Afterward, she thanks you calmly and helps you clean up.

- After a wonderful meal like that, movie night is a must.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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