CHAPTER 2: The Adoption?

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After a long talk with Mr Daley about 'respecting the lesson' Millie eventually returned to the St Allison's home for girls. This particular area of London definitely wasn't the prettiest sight. The buildings mainly looked run down, with the population being slim to none. The few houses that had gardens didn't have any nice looking plants growing in them. Plus, the entire place seemed to be perpetually cloudy as if some kind of higher power had decreed that not a single ray of sunshine could make it into the place. Millie then stared up at her current residence, The St Allison's home for unwanted children girls. Millie always felt a surge of disgust when she looked at the building. Most of the windows were cracked and the two doors that symbolised the entrance to the building were mismatched colours. One was bright red mahogany, while the other was white metal. The metal fence that surrounded the building had been corroded with time and exposure to the elements. While there may have once been flowers planted around the building's front gardens, there was now a tangled mess of roots that resembled a coiling mass of snakes. Millie had to admit, the environment blended well with her goth aesthetic, but that didn't erase the fact that it was a terrible place to live. Millie sighed as she opened the mismatched doors, causing an audible creak. She entered the lobby and didn't even spare a glance to the unmanned front desk. There was an ever revolving door of people working the front desk. No-one ever seemed to work it for more than 4 days before they finally had enough. Millie slowly went up the stairwell, every two steps creaking ominously under her foot. She slowly made her way to floor 6. There she travelled through the dilapidated hallways until she found herself at her door. A small 66 was etched onto the wood. She personally found the numbering ironic. She opened the door and looked at the small room. It was illuminated by a cracked window that couldn't be closed properly. There wasn't much, aside from a small wooden desk that had almost all of its paint peeled off. On the desk sat a small bottle of pills next to a small glass of water. Millie sighed as she unscrewed the cap, and took one pill in her hand. With the help of the water she swallowed it. According to the prescription, she was supposed to take the pills twice a day and if they would keep away the voices then she would take what she could get. She turned her attention to the other piece of furniture in the room. The small bed was rickety and Millie was kinda surprised that it hadn't broken. Sure, Millie felt that way about almost everything in this place but that wasn't the point! Millie sat down on the bed. She honestly didn't feel like doing anything. However, out of nowhere, Millie suddenly got a strange feeling. A chill went down her spine and she almost felt like something had changed in the atmosphere. Now this was far from the first time this had ever happened to Millie. In fact, this had happened a lot during her life. However, nothing ever seemed to come from this feeling. Sure enough, the mysterious sense disappeared after a couple minutes. Once she felt the feeling of complete and utter monotony creep into her as she lay down. She plugged in her headphones and activated her Walkman, beginning the tape on it. The sound of a rainstorm made its way into her ears. Millie sighed as she closed her eyes, focusing on the rain...

Millie didn't know when she fell asleep, she just knew that at some point she did. Since she was now in the land of her dreams. Now, usually Millie's dreams consisted of certain things. Sometimes it was a life with her mother. Other times, it was nightmarish images of a knife. Sometimes she'd hear voices screaming at her, reminding her how worthless she was. She had gotten used to it by now. So Millie was surprised when she was faced with something completely different. She looked around. The first thing she noticed was that she was in some kind of desert. The land was barren and there didn't seem to be anyone in sight. The apparent isolation was slightly off putting due to the fact that Millie definitely wasn't alone. She could sense the presence of something else out there with her. Millie looked up to the sky. Up above was a bright light. It seemed even brighter than the sun, yet somehow it only emitted a comforting warmth, instead of the expected burning heat. If Millie stared long enough she could begin to make out the outlines of some kind of city. However Millie's attention was quickly drawn to something else. Something below her. Millie turned around to find herself standing on the edge of a deep, dark pit. Red light could be seen coming from it, along with a searing heat. Just when Millie thought this dream couldn't be any weirder, she began to make out voices coming from within the pit.

Happily Ever Hell-bound Book 1: A touch of sinWhere stories live. Discover now