CHAPTER 6: Blood In The Water

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When Millie had been adopted there were many things she expected. Her new family being the Seven Deadly sins was not one of them. Nor did she expect them to be searching for the kidnapped sons of the Devil. From the way they had hidden this from her, she got the feeling she wasn't supposed to tell people about this.

So when she got to school the next day she immediately told Abby about it.

"What!" Abby said with fear in her eyes. "You got adopted by the Seven Deadly Sins!?" She asked again. Millie nodded
"Yeah. I mean, at least I got adopted" She said with what was only a slightly forced smile. "After all, they aren't gonna hurt me-"

"And you believe that?" Abby asked and Millie had to admit that it was a good point. After all, were the Seven Deadly Sins really the most reliable source when it came to trustworthy people? Millie sighed.

"Look, I'm sure it'll be fine. After all they had a chance to silence me last night but they didn't" Of course Millie had neglected to mention a few details, such as why the sins were on earth or that she was supposedly the key to tracking down the sons of the Devil but it's not like that was that important!

"All students going on the Thames boat trip, please report to Mr Daley's class" An announcement from the loudspeaker broke the speed of Millie's train of thought. Millie and Abby both grabbed their bags.

"This conversation is not over Millie!" Abby whispered as they entered the classroom. Every now and then Millie's school would hold some kind of nice event to try and raise morale among students. The one thing Millie had to thank Chuck Daley's mysterious appearance for was that, since he showed up, the events had gotten bigger and more expensive. Originally the events were just gathering the students up in the assembly hall and then leaving them alone. Now there were visits to theme parks, movie studios and, in the case of today's event, a boat trip across the River Thames. Speaking of the Devil, Mr Daley clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, we'll be heading out for the boat trip in about 20 minutes so make sure you have everything you need". Millie and Abby both knew they had everything so they were content to simply sit around and do nothing for those 20 minutes. Then they heard a voice.

"Well Well Well, if it isn't the Losers"~ A voice that practically oozed entitlement said. They turned around to find, who else? Loralie Banks. Loralie was rich and, unlike Millie, was ready to openly broadcast it. As could be seen by her current appearance. A purple Dress, a dark green hoodie, both of which practically still had the price tag in the hundreds attached to them. Her hair was dyed to be a dark blue which was technically against the school rules but apparently that was one of the things Loralie's richness was able to get around. Millie didn't even need to check to know that Loralie's shoes were the most expensive things in existence. Abby Gritted her teeth.

"What do you want, Loralie?"

"Why Abby, I just wanted to check up on you sweetie"~ Loralie replied, putting an arm around Abby who looked like she would rather be anywhere else right now.
"Leave her alone Loralie" Millie said with narrowed eyes. The devil incarnate only giggled.

"Why, Abby's MY girlfriend~ We're just going through rough spot"

"What we're going through is a break up, Loralie. We've been over for two months" Abby pointed out, ducking out from Loralie's arm. Loralie only shrugged.

"Whatever you say" She said as she sauntered off.

"I hate her so much" Abby said.

Millie nodded in agreement. Mr Daley then clapped his hands again, signalling the 20 minutes were over. As Millie followed the other students out she felt a familiar feeling. Now, with the Sins revealing themselves Millie believes she no pjnger had to worry about the sensation. However, this time it was different. It felt this time as if something was trying to seem comforting. As they headed down to the harbour she couldn't help but observe her surroundings carefully. The area was bustling with activity. The water was clear, seeming like polished diamond as the sunlight reflected off of it. As she looked around, she noticed a figure. They seemed to be a man. Despite being quite far away from Millie, something about him stuck out, from the way the sun reflected off of his white coat. Underneath his coat was a pristine suit. He approached the edge of the harbourside. He reached his hand into his coat and pulled out something that vaguely looked like an egg. He then dropped it into the water. Someone walked in front of Millie's line of sight and suddenly the man was gone, with nothing but a strange sound in the air that vaguely resembled the sound of wings flapping. Millie couldn't help but feel slightly nervous about what she had seen as she and the other students boarded the boats. Now the boats weren't exactly big, only being able to fit the entire group by splitting them into two smaller groups. Unfortunately, Millie and Abby were on separate boats. As the boat slowly went out across the Thames, Millie couldn't help but pay close attention to the water. She didn't know what that man had dropped into the water and she was slightly afraid to find out. But she still wanted to be safe, and the top floor of the boat offered a nice vantage point. However, there was something that quickly caught her eye. A duck swam across the water absently, doing its own ducky things when suddenly it was pulled under the surface. The water around that area churned and quickly became a dark and foreboding red. As Millie observed that area, she noticed something. A small row of Lime green spikes breached the surface. Like a shark's fin, they cut through the water. And they weren't alone. About a dozen, lime green rows of spikes began to breach the surface. Except they weren't moving randomly. They were heading forwards in a direct line-

Happily Ever Hell-bound Book 1: A touch of sinWhere stories live. Discover now