Final part of this story (most likely)

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Hey guys. I haven't updated in forever I know. I've recently not really been wanting to do much but my job and sports I do. If you still come back and read this book, I appreciate you for supporting me, but please note that a lot of things in this book is in fact dangerous. I have played a few of these games when I was younger and sometimes still feel the presence of these spirits and demons I've had interactions with. It's horrible for me to even walk into dark rooms anymore thinking I'm automatically being watched. If you do still read and decide to play, be prepared to deal with consequences. Now I know some of these games also may not work along with the summonings. I was young when I wrote this book and wasn't educated on topics of how this would work. Please note, that creepypastas, cryptids, legends, and demons passed through stories could have a very good chance of existing. While creepypastas are definitely a long shot, I do still believe that some of them could be present in the world. The world is a very complex place and we can't even comprehend what it creates. Just know legends passed through a lot of cultures and centuries are lessons, not just legends. I've come into contact with my fair share of spirits. Note, no matter how friendly they seem, they may not be who they seem they are. Of course my experiences aren't the same as everybody else's. Because I am a female in ages of where spirits are most attracted to me, late teens early adult, I could be just experiencing something nobody else could. Just know that a lot of these things are lessons and do not do them unless you know what you're doing or you can figure out what to do if something goes wrong. Just remember the worlds a dangerous place and even if they aren't from the pits of hell or born from dead and came back, monsters do exist, no matter where you are, and may live right next to you. Take care to everybody who's read this long and I love and appreciate you guys so much for supporting me through this book and I love you all so much!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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