chapter two

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Chapter two.

the next day at the hospital.

Marlena feels much better she just  have the flu.

When marlena walked into belle's hospital room she saw john in the
the rocking chair with belle who
is sleeping on john's shoulder.


Marlena whispered to john.

Hi, sweetheart.

John whispered to his wife.

I brought lunch and some stuff for belle.

marlena said as she pulled out a couple of coloring books, crayons.

"I also brought a change of clothes for you and I.

Marlena told her husband.

John smiles at marlena as he rubbing belle's back.

Marlena walked toward to the rocking chair.

Marlena smiled at her daughter who is sleeping on her daddy's shoulder.

Has the doctor been be in to check on belle?.

Marlena asked her husband.

Yes and she said that belle has the flu.

John told his wife.

Marlena kissed belle's head.

I love you, baby girl.

Marlena whispered to her daughter.

Later that day.

The doctor told marlena and john that they can take belle home.

Belle has a nasty stomach bug and ahe just need rest.

John stands in the doorway of his and marlena's bedroom.

John sighs contentedly and leans against the door framem.

John smiling as he watches marlena and belle Both are in the bed sleeping.

John stands from the door way and walks into the living room.

He picks up the coats that were thrown on the sofa when they had arrived home and hangs them up.

John then picks up the few toys belle had played with earlier and puts them away.

During dinner It was after the second bite of the crackers that marlena saw something shift in her little girl.

John get me a bowl!.

Marlena shouted.

but not in time to prevent belle from puking on the floor.

The tears came right after.

"Oh, sweetie.

Marlena said as she grabbing a paper towel to clean up Belle's mouth.

Marlena pick up belle and bring
her to the bathroom.

Are you feeling any better?.

Marlena asked her daughter.

Belle shook her head, before vomiting promptly another time in the basin.

Marlena tried to soothe belle with shushing sounds.

Marlena feels Belle's forehead to check if she has a fever.

"It's just a bug, sweet girl, you don't even have a fever.

Let just go snuggle on the couch
Just you and me.

Marlena said to her daughter.

And so they did, john brought the rest of the dinner to the living room and for once they ate with a cartoon on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2024 ⏰

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