chapter one

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this story is about john and marlena they rush belle to the hospital

chapter one

The noise that roused john from a deep sleep isn't the usual noises that he hears in his apartment at night.

He sits up in bed and looks towards the open door where he can see a light from the bathroom.

Once again he hears the noise and this time realizes that it is marlena, coughing and gagging in the bathroom.

john quickly moves to the bathroom where he finds marlena on her knees in front of the toilet, one hand pulling her hair out of her face while she steadies herself with the other.

john is quickly behind her, holding her hair back and rubbing her back as she continues to be sick.

When marlena has finally stopped vomiting she leans back against john and he is immediately alarmed, her skin hot to the touch.

"You're burning up, john states as he places his hand on her forehead

marlena swats him away as she sits up not saying a word.

john helps marlena to her feet and stands behind her as she washes her face and rinses her mouth with a hand full of water.

His hands rest on her shoulders as she leans back into him and closes her eyes, the room beginning to spin around her.

"You did say that one of the kids at the play date went home early sick, john says as his hands run up and down her arms.

Yes and apparently I am now sick, marlena groans as she opens her eyes and glances at hers and John's reflections.

"Well go on back to bed and I'll call your office, you are spend the day in bed resting and I'll take care of belle.

john told his wife and tony places a kiss on her temple and is surprised when she nods in agreement, obviously feeling too sick to argue

John spends the next few minutes on the phone to marlena's boss , explaining that she is sick.

After getting off the phone john heads back into the bathroom where he takes a quick shower and dresses in casual clothes, and just as he is heading out of the bathroom he hears a cough come from belle's room.

john stops at the door and listens as there is another cough and this time he hears belle make a strange noise.

He quickly opens the door and heads into Belle's room, he stench of vomit hitting his nose.

belle sits in her bed, her pajamas and the bedding covered in vomit.

belle whimpers and holds her arms out for john

He immediately is at the bed and carefully takes her pajamas off of her, her body hot to the touch as his hand comes in contact with her bare back.

tink do you feel ok?, john asks his daughter as he places his hand to her forehead.

belle grunts as she tries to force john's hand away.

john is immediately alarmed by how warm belle feels and quickly scoops her into his arms and heads into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, john sets belle on the countertop as he opens the medicine cabinet.

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