Chapter 47

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Hope wasn't something many in the Empire had anymore, and Elaine found it understandable given the kingdom's state of decline. The very rules first implemented to instill order, discipline, and prosperity of the state were twisted and bent to the whims of political powers in lue of a Child Emperor with no foresight to veto a horrible decision. Instead, the child emperor's closest advisor was to aid in the choice between right or wrong, but Honest himself was the vilest of all.

A puppet on strings, guileless, yet inherently guilty as the target of nationwide animosity.

It was almost sad given that all the evil attributed to a child was all an indirect cause of snakes and gilded tongues wagging into receptive ears.

No longer. No more. Never again.

Those words, and with the same determination to see things through, spurred many onward.

"Secure the point across the stream and prevent the crossing from being destroyed!" Elaine gave orders while surveying the army's encroachment towards the capital's inner walls. "Spread thinner! Do not let them encircle us and create a pincer. Enemies may be hiding in buildings or behind large rubble! Smoke them out, and advance!"

Elaine clicked her tongue.

Progress was slow, and the chain of command that had to pass down orders from one unit from another was almost always destabilized by unrealized factors and variables.

"If unit six and nine don't respond, they're likely dead," Elaine muttered before chewing on her lip in frustration. "Spear! Your old man was in charge of those units and that sector! What's going on?"

Spear clicked her tongue, hard-pressed to answer while flourishing her weapon and stabbing through enemies. One glance at Elaine surrounded by five burly men with ripped muscles and rugged faces was enough to exasperate Spear.

A leader should lead in the front, and that was exactly what Elaine was doing.

However, Elaine was utterly protected, which was fair since she was a designated commander, but unlike Elaine who could trust in her brothers for protection, Spear was on her own as a unit commander.

Sucking in a breath, Spear flourished her weapon into a low sweep until she got enough breathing room, and only then did she manage to choke out an answer between panting breaths.

"I only knew a few things before I separated from my father's unit," Spear answered with a grimace. "Father said that unit six was being slaughtered by a witch that drained their blood and energy. Unit nine moved to reinforce them and were ambushed and are now engaged in battle."

Elaine furrowed her brows at Spear's answer.

Elaine and Chouri had split their forces to better command a wider area. Keeping the both of them together would have been a waste of resources given the size and morale of the army.

The Empire was at its turning point, and none missed the brief moment chaos ensued atop the empire's inner walls. Shirou and Night Raid must have already penetrated through, making Elaine more than determined to ensure nothing went wrong on her and Chouri's end.

"Does he need help?"

Spear hesitated. As a daughter, the impulse to say 'yes' if only to ensure her father's safety in numbers was weighed against her father's pride and ability as a leader.

"It should be fine," Spear shook her head. "Raiko and the ninjas of Jinsoku were already on route, and the Hunters of Heiwa were there to defend my father. Diverting our forces now will only slow the encroachment down."

Neither Spear nor Elaine were saying it, but it was understood. Their side had the overwhelming difference in manpower after the capital's defenders were defeated at the Empire's outer walls. No matter how capable or elite a unit the empire deployed, there was no stopping the momentum of the army unless your name was Esdeath or Shirou.

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