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One fine Monday morning, Jeonghan wakes up to prepare some breakfast.
When he spots Jisoo in the living room putting on his shoes. "Good morning Jisoo." Jeonghan greets.

"Morning Han," Jisoo greets back. "Where you goin' so early?" Jisoo looks at Jeonghan, "Just somewhere I'll be back later or so."
Jeonghan nods, "Ok stay safe."


Jisoo heads out to the village market, he makes his way to his favourite stall.
"Morning Mrs Park, two cream buns please." The elderly lady gently smiles at him. "Good morning Jisoo dear."
Mrs Park hands Jisoo a small plastic bag with the buns. Jisoo fetchs out his pouch, hands six gold coins as payment.
"Thank you." Jisoo makes his way back.

"Hi there beautiful."

"Flying fudge!"
Jisoo stops midway as two alpha suddenly appear infront of him. "Well well well isn't it the most beautiful omega in this village." Both alpha's laughed, Jisoo snickers rolling his eyes.

"To second that, your brother is first for sure." Said one of the alpha's.
"What the hell do you guys want!?"
"You, isn't that obvious?"

Jisoo rolls his eyes for the second time, "Well isn't that a pity-" Jisoo pulls down the hem of his turtleneck showcasing his mating bite mark. "-but I already belong to someone and my alpha wouldn't  be pleased with that, so move!"

Jisoo tried walking away but gets blocked again, "We can do a mated omega no problem."
Jisoo mentally cringe at the two idiots infront of him. " Good to know. Well when I should get going." Jisoo said clearly not wanting to stay any longer.

"Baby are you ok?"
A muscular arm snaked itself around the omega's waist. Jisoo knew exactly who it was sniffing in the strong pheromones even though where were tons of scents lingering in the air, Jisoo could only take in a specific scent which was his alpha's.

Seokmin glance at the two alphas, "Are they troubling you my love?"
Jisoo smirks as some of the villagers gather to watch. Jisoo turns to Seokmin griping into Seokmin's full length black coat.

"Yes. They were tormenting me." Jisoo pouts.
Jisoo knew what he was leading to he wanted everyone to know he's a mated omega and most certainly he belonged to a prince.

Seokmin's eyes flashed with anger and fury.
NOBODY MESSES WITH HIS OMEGA. Seokmin gently pushes his omega behind him. Jisoo tiptoed over Seokmin shoulder playfully smirking at the two alphas.

"Look your majesty he's lying we were just talking." Said one of the alphas trying to reason not wanting to mess with a royal. Seokmin let's out a low growl causing some of the omegas and betas including his own omega to winces.
"My omega doesn't lie"

'That's so hot' Jisoo pervertly thought.

"Your Highness!"
The stern voice came within the crowd.

MinghaoㅡPrince Seokmin's royal adviserㅡ. Minghao pushed his way through the crowd towards the two couple.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? Causing a scene in someone else's kingdom. You know your parents won't approve of this behaviour." Minghao half yelled half whispered.

Minghao turns his attention to the alpha, "Leave! Leave before this gets out of hand." The alphas ran away.
"Now we need to depart from here."

Seokmin links his hand with his omega's one, "You're coming with me." Jisoo innocently nods.



Meanwhile with Jeonghan

After preparing breakfast for him and his auntie, Jeonghan takes a plate of toast, eggs, sausage and a glass of orange juice to his aunt's room.
"Auntie?" Jeonghan knocks and opens the door, "Good morning" Jeonghan happily chipped.
"Morning Jeonghan my dear. You know I'm sick not weak you don't need to bring me breakfast in bed."

"I know I know you're not weak."
Jeonghan hands the tray of breakfast to his auntie. "So did Jisoo tell you anything about his change of scent? I could smell it last night. Is he with child?" Asked his aunt Maggie.
"Yes he's with child and some how mated?" Jeonghan said as if it was a question. Maggie hums, "Call me when you're done auntie."  Jeonghan leaves the room.

While pouring himself a glass of orange juice the sudden memories of yesterday flash through his eyes, meeting the prince of Mirae.

After eating his breakfast, Jeonghan gets his aunt's dirty dishes and his cleaning up the kitchen. Jeonghan makes his way to his room, doing some tidying up not forgetting about Jisoo's room.
"Auntie I'm leaving!" Jeonghan shouted from the living room. "Come back before noon!" His aunt shouted back.

Jeonghan exits the house. 'Why are people gathered' he thought seeing the villagers gathered, Jeonghan simply ignored it making a straight bee line to the nearby lake.


"It's time to wake up your Highness."
A gentle voice echoed in the room shaking the prince to wake up.

JihoonㅡPrince Seungcheol's royal adviserㅡ rolled his eyes, he opens the curtains as the sunlight shines in the room, Seungcheol groans. "Get your lazy ass up Choi Seungcheol. It's Monday so no sleeping in!" Jihoon uncovers the duvet off Seungcheol.

"Well that was easy." Said SoonyoungㅡPrince Seungcheol's personal butlerㅡ
"I'm sure you can handle it from here." Jihoon walks up to Soonyoung tiptoes placing a peck on his cheek.
"Don't be too soft he's a brat." Jihoon whispers to Soonyoung petting his chest before leaving Seungcheol's room.

Soonyoung picks out the Prince's outfit for the day, a dark blue royal attire with gold linings.
"Where's eomma?" Seungcheol asked seeing the dinning room empty.
"Her Highness wasn't left her room might still be asleep." Jihoon said.

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