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"That was not nice

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"That was not nice." Said TaehyungㅡPrince Wonwoo's personal butlerㅡ as he stepped inside the room after Seokmin dashed out.

Wonwoo giggles, "I was just joking, were you listening?"
Taehyung crossed his arms. "You sacred him literally. And yes I was listening."
Wonwoo shrugs.


Seokmin was sitting on the balcony so many thoughts running through his mind, his father fixed his alliance without his constant how did Jisoo feel?

The omega called out loud, catching Seokmin's attention.
"Yes, love?"

He stood up and walked to the bed where Jisoo was asleep.
"I'm hungry." He shyly whispered.

Seokmin chuckled at his omega's cuteness, "What are you craving for, love?"
"Seafood." "Okay, I'll get you some seafood all you have to do for me is to stay inside the room don't go out." Jisoo nodded, pecking Seokmin's cheek.


"You're back al-" Jisoo halts, the person who entered the room was not his alpha.

"Hello there, brother-in-law." 


"You're back." Jihye welcomes Seungcheol, "Did you find him?"

"Yeah." He simply answered walking to his room.
"What's up with him?" Jihye turned to Soonyoung and Jihoon.
"Exhausted," Jihoon answer. "Ok, dismissed."
Soonyoung and Jihoon bowed.


Jihye took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
"Come in."

She opens the door entering, "Is there something you need?" Seojoon glance at Jihye rising a eyebrow. "No....I mean yes it's about Seungcheol."
"What about him?" Seojoon asked curiously looking at the queen.
"He found someone."

Seojoon understood, "Is that why you came here to tell me that. Anything else?"
Jihye shook her head. "Kim's forcing an alliance so decline it."
Seojoon nods, "Anything else?" She shook her head indicating 'no' "If there is nothing else. The door's behind you, excuse yourself out I'm busy."
Jihye frowns as she leaves Seojoon's office.


"Who are you? Why are you here? What are you doing here?Leave before I call my alpha." Jisoo panicked.

"Wonwoo, I came to see you brother-in-law, third question is the same as the second one and no I'm not leaving yet."


"Seokmin's my brother. Half-brother."

Jisoo furrowed his brows, Seokmin never mentioned anything about his sibling only his parents.
Wonwoo takes a sit on the sofa opposite the bed Jisoo was laying.
"Judging by your reaction that sly fox never told you about me is it." Wonwoo shook his head disappointedly. Jisoo remained quiet.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry about Father and Mother's behaviour so unacceptable but what do you expect when their youngest son brings some omega claiming to be his." Wonwoo's face was masked with innocence.
"Not a positive reaction that's for sure." Wonwoo tried to sound sad.

"And they arranged Seokmin's marriage, what will happen to you to the pups. I'm sorry Jisoo you don't deserve this you deserve better. I really want to help you but I should take my leave you seem uncomfortable by my presence, good day Jisoo."

Wonwoo stood up to leave when a voice held him back.
"Help me." Jisoo's voice came out as a whisper.
Wonwoo sat back down.

"With pleasure-"

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