chapter 7 : guilty affairs

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"Ah! There you two are!"

All in all, the lunch went smoothly.

Caitlyn and Lyra returned to their seats just in time for the desserts to be brought out and replied to questions about their whereabouts with a simple apology. Something about the weather and sights being unusually lovely.

The matriarch gave them a chastising look for their tardiness, but moved on without further questions. After all, she knew of Caitlyn's favouritisms of the Dean's adopted daughter, and was always more keen on condoning their shenanigans. It was worth it, to see a brighter smile on her little girl's face.

The chatter returned to nothing short than amicable, the atmosphere morphing into warm and welcoming once more.

Lyra seemed more relaxed now, something Jayce noticed when he snuck a glance at her upon her return. She sat, ever straight and cordial, eating her tiramisu while sharing fitted laughs and quips.

He knew her not to be as keen on sweets. So it was surprising to see her champing on the dessert with delighted gusto. It meant she felt better, sure, but something didn't sit quite right, and he eyed her cautiously now and again through fleeting glances.

A coffee and a few polite conversations later, the two students were standing outside the estate, shaking hands with the generous hosts.

Encouraging words were exchanged, wishes of luck with their studies, and Lyra received affectionate embraces from the two older Kirammans which she returned in kind. They also did not fail to deliver her worried encouragements to get appropriate rest and nutrition. She chuckled at those politely and promised, as she always did, to abide by their words.

Of course, she received pointed, scolding looks straight after.

"We're serious, Lyra." The two parents hissed, and all the girl could do was smile with light embarrassment, fighting the urge not to cower under their strict parental looks.

When Jayce moved to say his own goodbyes, shaking hands with the two elders and expressing how especially grateful he was for the fish tartare, Lyra crouched down to meet Caitlyn into a soul-crushing embrace.

"I'll see you next weekend, okay?" She muttered to the little girl, who nodded feverishly into the jacket draped over her shoulders.

"I'll let you know about my latest reads."

The student pulled back giving Caitlyn a wide smile.

"And, since you're all grown up now, feel free to drop by the lab whenever you like. Both his and mine." Lyra gestured to Jayce with a playful glare.

The boy beamed brighter, promptly whipping around at the mention of his person. "Absolutely! Now that you're older, I'll feel less guilty using you for manual labour." He winked, and the little girl threw him a look which everyone couldn't help but laugh at.

With a final squeeze to Caitlyn's hand, Lyra stood and rejoined Jayce's side. Then, smiling gratefully at the girl's parents one last time, the two finally set off towards the intricate metal gates lining the estate.

Several waves and goodbyes were called from the family on the porch, and the two students reciprocated in kind, smiles stretched all the way across and up. By the time the Kirammans at last retreated into their estate, Jayce and Lyra had stepped beyond the silver gate and settled on walking down the cobblestone path in peaceful silence.

Or, well, Lyra was. Jayce's mind was racing down a few unpleasant train tracks, which he was struggling to ignore.

"That was some good food." He offered, his tone casual, as he straightened the lapels of his coat. "I'm feeling like one of your airships now."

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