twenty nine

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when they broke up, she never thought she could go a month without him. after four years of living together, it was hard, she had to learn to live alone. she had to fight against her heart which called out to his.

people thought they would get over it, but they didn't.

they were their first love, their first everything. they wanted to be their last too.

timothée was everything she needed, she wanted him with her every day. but she also knew that she needed to love herself, to value herself because it was so impossible to continue a relationship like that.

spending almost every night when he was away thinking he would find someone better, prettier, smaller, funnier. she cried for hours over it, she tried her best not to make it clear that she didn't want him to know.

but he did after a while.

he saw the way she seemed to fade away when they were around people, he saw the way she kept quiet and he hated it. he hated seeing her like that.

so he asked her.

and she cried.

(he did it too.)

she cried about how she had started to hate herself, doubting his love. she told him about the countless nights she cried about it and he felt like he had failed her.
she remembered all too well the way his hands touched her cheeks, the way he looked at her. she remembered the sound of his breathing becoming faster like hers.

she remembered how his words, I love you, seemed to contain such a heavy confession.

she could still feel his arms around her as she fell asleep.

she didn't cry when he told her they should break up for a while, she understood him.

so now standing in front of each other she didn't want to cry but god how she wanted to kiss him.


"hi guys" alyana whispered before putting on her glasses. she let a small laugh escape her lips seeing people's comments on the live stream. it's been a while since she did one, the last one she did was with timothée.

"i hope you are well today," she continued with a smile.

USEUR new album when?
USEUR click on the link in my bio

"it's been a while since i've been live like this with you and i saw how much you missed it. i have to say that i miss it too because during covid i was live non-stop," she laughed a little before grabbing her guitar. "i wanted to spend some time with you, it's pretty late and tomorrow i have my last show with taylor so i should sleep but i can't."

USEUR are we having a new song
USEUR pls she's so cute
USEUR im actually happy i decided not to sleep tonight

she hummed softly as her fingers began to play the chords of a song she knew by heart. "i haven't played this song in a long time because it's an old one but yeah, why not now?"

USEUR   OLD SONG?????????
USEUR   if it's from timeless i will cry

"i'm not that attached but i
easily could be i'm gonna wait around 'cause if this were a movie
we'd be in the part, we'd be in the part
right before we figure it out
and i just wanna talk thought we're talking about nothing
'cause it isn't killing me we're not in love yet,
we're just in the part, we're just in the part
right before we figure it out
has the plot been written down?
is there a chance to change things somehow?
'cause it feels like
we're gonna play the long game
but then i'll kiss you on our first date
cause i just can't wait for the rest of our lives to start
the moment that we realise
that we don't wanna waste time
but we're not in that part
known we're only friends, well, that's how it's starting
are we gonna end like harry and sally?
we're just in the part, we're just in the part
right before we figure it out
i love being right so you'll tell me you hate me
we're probably gonna fight but i know that won't change things
we're just in the part, we're just in the part
right before we figure it out
has the plot been written down
or are we even worth writing about?
'cause it just feels like
we're gonna play the long game
but then i'll kiss you on our first date
'cause i just can't wait for the rest of our lives to start
the moment that we realise
that we don't wanna waste time
but we're not in that part
oh, we're not in that part
oh, oh
we're gonna play the long game
but then i'll kiss you on our first date
'cause i just can't wait for the rest of our lives to start
the moment that we realise
that we don't wanna waste time
but we're not in that part"

she stopped slowly the music and close her eyes, it was the first song she wrote about him.

USEUR   im mourning

he put his arms around her with a small smile on his lips, he could still feel her tears on his hoodie from a few minutes ago but he didn't care because she was in his arms for the first time since almost a year

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he put his arms around her with a small smile on his lips, he could still feel her tears on his hoodie from a few minutes ago but he didn't care because she was in his arms for the first time since almost a year.

she couldn't believe it really happened, he was there.

"i love you," they both whispered at the same time, a small laugh escaping them.

this is sweet
the song is harry and sally by charlie pittman and taylor bickett if you wanted to know

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