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I have always lived a life surrounded by luxurious things – Jewelries, high-end fashion, and fancy cars. Mouth-watering foods are served in our table everyday, I have cozy bed where I can sleep soundly ,and my parents were able to send us to a prominent school.
It's so gratifying that I have a family who can provide for my needs and caprices. They make me do everything I want for as long as it will make me happy. I couldn't ask for more.
I was jolted out of my reverie when my father rushed us to leave our house because today, our residence was about to be demolished.
This is my reality.
I was born and raised in a life deprived of everything.
I have spent my life in slums surrounded by dilapidated house — no cars, no high-end fashion but torn and faded clothes, and no jewelries. We don't have a proper bed, we cannot eat our meals three times a day, and no matter how much I wanted to study, they cannot afford to send me to school.
My tears fell as I watch how our houses were being destroyed and to see the sadness in everyone's eyes breaks my heart. That's life, we cannot expect people to feel the same way we do and some of them might even laugh at our misfortune.

We left that place hoping that success would side with us even just once because it  never did — no matter how hard we try.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2024 ⏰

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