45. ice cream parlour

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"Are you sure you want to buy this?" Chavi asked with a confused face to Siddhant.

She just wanted to know if he really wanted to buy that Mutant Ninja Turtles stuff toy.

"Yea. Aren't they so cute?" He said looking like a small kid who found his favourite toy at the stuff toy. His gaze on the toy melted Chavi's heart.

Her husband can be a freaky hunk or a cute baby whenever he wants to. She is pretty much convinced he's half bipolar by now.

"Fine fine...let's take them." She chuckled in between her words and Siddhant nodded. Then followed behind her.

After taking everything they needed from the supermarket, and then done with the billing, Siddhant drove them to an ice cream parlour which Chavi told him selled the best ice cream in the neighbourhood.

"You are gonna love it here." She said excitedly and made him follow behind her.

"Hello Mrs. Kai." She said and hugged a middle aged lady, who owned the ice cream parlour. The old lady's eyes shone in happiness upon seeing her favourite customer.

"My my...it's been so long since you are here, teddy. How are you?" Yes. Mrs. Kai calls Chavi 'teddy'. Hearing this nickname Siddhant laughed.

And recieved a glare from his wife in response.

"Sorry. Hello Mrs. Kai, myself Siddhant Sharma. Chavi....I mean I'm teddy's husband." He smiled at her, whose smile broadened upon hearing these words.

"Ohhh so you are the big boy teddy keeps talking about! Come here dear, have a seat. You too teddy." She took both of their hands and took them towards the best table available.

"She talks about me?" He asked looking straight at Chavi, to Mrs. Kai.

"Yes. All the time. I have lost the count of the times she mentioned you by now to be honest." The older lady said making Sid's smile grow and Chavi whined.

"Pls. Qīn'ài de, stop snitching!" Chavi whined and told to Mrs. Kai, who laughed in response.
(Translation: dear)

"What does it mean?" Asked Siddhant.

"Why should I tell you?" She said and looked away making him wonder.

"I didn't knew you know Mandarin?" He asked again after a while.

"I don't. It's just some words I have learned from all the times Mrs. Kai talks to her son and husband." Replied Chavi looking at the woman who was busy serving the other customers. She generally runs this parlour with her son and husband. But both of them are not here right now, leaving her alone to work.

"I sometimes help her too. Whenever she lets me. Generally it's her son and husband. And let me tell you they are the literal definition of a perfect family. May no evil harm them." Siddhant could see how much she adored this lady.

"That's awesome." He replied and she looked back at him.

"I wish one day we have this perfect happy family too." She said dreamily and his eyes widened. Only he knew how happy he felt after hearing these simple words from her mouth.

Almost like doing a mental dance.

"Trust me when I say I am waiting for that day too." He said and winked at her, who laughed at him in response.

"Okay guys, all other customers done. Now tell me what should I get you two?" Mrs. Kai asked them and they both looked at each other before saying the flavor together at the same time.

"Pista!" Both of them happily said at the same time.

And Mrs. Kai smiled at them. They resembled two small kids to be honest.

"On it right now!" And she went to prepare their pista ice cream bowl.


They came home about one in the morning. So tired, but they don't regret the time they spend.

"I loved it!" She said and soon as she entered the home.

"I loved it too." He replied.

"Do you even know what I'm talking about?" She sat on the sofa and asked him with marrow eyes.

"Doesn't matter. Whatever you love, I automatically love it." He shrugged and her heart skipped a beat.

"Can I ask you a thing?" She said all of a sudden.

"You don't need permission to ask bae." He reply.

"Sleep with me tonight." She let out and he blinked twice.

"Ok." He replied and started going inside the bedroom.

"Nooooo not like that! I mean sleep with me tonight." She said again making her ears to red and Siddhant to stop in his steps.

They had surely exchanged many kisses and intimate acts together, but this was something totally different.

"Are you for real sure?" He asked and turned around.

"Obvi." She replied in a duh tone.

And he smiled before it turned into a smirk.

"On it then." Saying so, he made his way towards her.

Sleeping together ;)

P.s. the story is coming to its end.

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