The morning sunlight filtered through the classroom windows, casting a warm glow over the rows of empty desks. Y/N sat at their usual spot, idly flipping through the pages of their textbook as they waited for the school day to begin.

As the bell chimed, signaling the start of first period, Y/N glanced up to see their table mate, Hyunjin, slip into the seat beside them with a sheepish smile. It had become a familiar sight – Hyunjin's frequent absences from school due to his commitments as a K-pop idol.

"Hey, Y/N," Hyunjin greeted, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. "Sorry I missed yesterday's class again."

Y/N offered him a reassuring smile, brushing off his apology with a wave of their hand. "No worries, Hyunjin. I've got you covered. I saved all the notes and assignments for you."

Hyunjin's eyes brightened with gratitude as he accepted the stack of papers from Y/N. "You're a lifesaver, seriously," he said, flipping through the notes with a mixture of relief and appreciation.

As the teacher launched into the day's lesson, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Hyunjin, marveling at the effortless way he effortlessly blended into their shared routine. Despite his busy schedule and frequent absences, there was something comforting about having him by their side.

Melodies of the high school sweethearts [hyunjinxreader]Where stories live. Discover now