Chapter 1

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2 Years Later - Junior Year

Most of my classes were with my best friends Valency, Maleia, Hetal, and Je'Sean. They were my squad. Valency and I have known each other since the sixth grade, when we were friends with Lea and Selene. However, when all of us drifted apart the next year, Valency and I stayed together.

The original squad was Je'Sean, Maleia, Hetal, and me. We've known each other since fourth grade, but we started to get close in sixth, thanks to Hetal. These were my main guys to go to. For anything. We were inseparable, unless of course I had one of my big quarrels with one of them. They were stupid fights to be honest, usually about stupid things like grades, boys, and who's better at what. I'm usually the only one in the group that starts these fights. Me being the rebellious one and all.

In our little group, there was me, the typical indian girl with the black hair, "intelligent", and the stereotypical "comes in smelling like curry", which in my case is true most of the time. Then there's Maleia, shes Uzbek. Maleia is really smart, poetic, pretty, and always gets random boys attention. Totally opposite of me. She's also the type to want to do something but is really scared to do it so we have to push her. Then there's Hetal. She's Arab. Long blackish brown hair, shorter than all of us, and she's smart too. Valency is Brazilian. I'd say shes the prettiest, but then Hetal would kill me. All four of us love to read. Anything we can get our hands on. Lastly, we have Je'Sean. He's smart too. All of us are nerds but I'd say he's the least to show it.

Anyway, as I was saying, most of my classes were with them. They make everything fun. Without them, my brother and God, I do not know where I would be. Most likely lost in a world full of rapists and other fools.

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