Chapter 3

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I was still confused as to why Alex said that to me. That one comment from him annoyed me all the way to the campus park, which was fifteen minutes away from the quad.

Well, at least as far as I got before Hetal and Maleia interrupted my train of thought.

"Kaden!" Maleia screamed as I turned on my heels to see who it is.

"Maleia?" I replied, not knowing why she was here. It was really unusual for Maleia to do anything opposite the rule book. I wonder why? Maybe Hetal made her? Hmmmm....

"Kaden! Hetal and I were wondering.... You wanna come to the Tempest with us?"

Tempest was the club right outside of town. It was 18 and over but since Je'Sean knew this guy who's cousin knew one of the bouncers who told them of another guy who made fake id's, it was cool. Thanks to them, we all had id's except Maleia, who suddenly wanted to go clubbing. How odd.

"Tonight? Sureee.... But dont you need an id?" I asked, sounding as puzzled as I was. At least this would help get my mind off of things.

"Nahhhh me and Zaria look alike a lot. I'll just swipe her state id since shes at NYU." Oh yeah. Maleia's sister Zaria and her looked like twins, even though they were like 4 years apart in age.

"Ok. Where do we meet up? Who's house are we "sleeping" at?" In order to get away with this, we needed to be sleeping over at someone's house, and since this week I was living with my dad, who wasn't even home, I could easily sneak out.
"Mine. You cool with it?" Hetal said, reminding me for the first time that she was here too. Man, I really was zoning out.

"Ok sure, I'll see you guys then." I said as I started to walk away from them.

"Yessss! Can u tell Valency too? I don't know where she is and my phone is dead"

"Sureee......" Ok, now I really was confused. Why is Maleia acting so different now? Why is her phone even dead? She barely ever texts in school. Not even to pick up a call from her mom. I was getting worried by the moment.

After I got home, I showered, texted Valency, who said she was down for the club, and sneaked into my mom's house to get a cute dress for the Tempest. Kalib was there, and I hated doing anything behind his back. He was my best friend, and brother. He was the one who actually helped me get my id. I could have told him where I was going, he would be okay with it, but recently he seemed a little on edge.

Am I seeing things? First, the Maleia thing and now things with my easygoing brother? I am seriously loosing my mind.

Valency and I met up at my dad's house. She looked normal enough for a sleepover. My friend was strolling across the lawn in her unicorn footies she adores and combat boots. I could see from my bedroom window her big tote in the back of her car with her makeup, dress, heels and who knows what else. I got out of my room in my pink pajama bottoms and tank top, caught up to Valency, and we jumped in her car.

Val was driving, since I cant get my license for another two years. She was a year and 3 months older, so she had most of the advantages. My dad was out of town and wouldn't be home for two weeks and Kaline, who I told that I would be at Hetal's for a sleepover, was at Three Trinity for college, so I didn't need to be worried about getting caught.

When we got to our friend's house, we hauled both of our bags out and walked into the door to be greeted by both the girls and Mrs. Sinclair.

"Hey girls! How's it going?" Mrs. Sinclair asked us. We replied with a long "good" and rushed up the stairs.

Hetal's room was like an attic, but a pale mint color. I hated it. Too bright for my mood. But we had to make do with what we had. Anyways, we blasted our music, P!ATD, Green Day, and went old school with the Backstreet Boys. We all got ready, and Val did our makeup while Hetal did everyone's hair but mine. I sucked at everything to do with appeal except for my own hair. I was the only one who could bare to work with it.

In the end, we all walked out of Hetal's room looking wayyyyy older than we were. Maleia was wearing a tight black skirt and white crop top, with her hair a curly mess. Quite unusual for the Mali I know who's skirts are ten times longer and hair is usually in a tight bun or ponytail.

The rest of us looked normal. Val was wearing a cute, tight red dress, which was probably her sister's top, since she was so short. She also had strappy black heels to go with it. Her curly hair was now long and straight, and she looked stunning. Hetal had leather skinny jeans with a strapless halter top and high black stilettos. I was wearing my blue strapless top with a tight miniskirt. My hair was in a messy bun i created, which looked pretty cute, if i do say so myself.

Hetal told me we were meeting up with Je'Sean and Andrew in an hour at the club. It was already past 11, and the club doesnt open until 12 am.

I heard Val ask the same question on my mind out loud. "Can someone remind me why we're doing this again?"

"You'll find out later! Be patient!"
Maleia promised. This I really needed to see.

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