Mary,a Baby!?

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Word Count;1256

Mayla age;5

Place;The McGarrett House

Timestamp; 8am

Steve's Pov;

                "May Baby please eat your breakfast" I say calmly well sitting across from my now pouting toddler."Come on it's your favorite." I attempt to plea with her ,"No I want juice" "Sweet Heart you can have juice when you finish your breakfast and milk ,okay." I state (Why did she have to get my stubbornness I'm bargaining with a five year old) she nods her head "okay Daddy" she says before eating .Just as I'm about to take a sip of my coffee the door bell rings 5 times fast,"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming" I say to someone I don't know who.When I open the door the only person there is,a baby in her car seat with a note that says 'it's a girl'.I was so confused until my little sister Mary came around the corner taking pictures."haha you should see your face." She says happily,"Mary who's baby is this!" "Mine i adopted her,I named her after Dad" she says matter of factually,"you named her John!?" "No Jone" she says "Mary you can't take care of yourself let alone a baby!" "Steve I can do this I took care of a 90 year old man pretty well" she says as of she has won this argument,"Mary he died" " of natural causes" she retorts" at that point I hear my baby girl yell for me "Daddy!" I walk back into the dining room and I hear Mary follow me closing the door."Yes Princess" I say now calm towards her at least,"I all done ,juice?" she says hopefully well holding her plate so I can see it's empty,"Yes baby you can have juice now,but you have to get your shoes on and your backpack ready to go to the palace." I said well walking to the kitchen "Okay" she agrees well going up to her room. Mary is waiting for me in the kitchen"Steve I can do this ,if you can do this I mean sugar this early taking her to work with you I can do this" ,"Mary first of all no the juice get watered down and she already had milk,and second off with my job she is safest with my team" I say now slightly raising my voice slightly as I get Mayla's  sippy cup ready,and getting mad she is challenging my parenting. Of course my phone rings at that moment,"McGarrett,,,,I'll be right there" I say and yell up to May,"Princess we have to go" as i say that she bounces into the kitchen behind Mary with her teddy in hand and backpack on her back,I smile and grab her lunch bag and cup before picking her up and placing her on my hip ready to run out the door before Mary speaks which makes Mayla hide her face in the croak of my neck because she doesn't feel comfortable around strangers "Steve ,leave Mayla with me and go to work" "Mary I don't have time for this she comes with me and that's final" I say frustrated before storming out to my truck and buckling May in.

 Location; The Palace

Timestamp; 9am

              "Look who's decided to grace us with their presence,and hey my peanut" Danny says sarcastically as we walk through the doors of HQ. Mayla runs up to Danny screaming "Uncle Danny!" and gives him a hug,he hugs back as I retort "Hey only love for the kid" I spoke in a fake offended tone,"ya see she has a smaller vocabulary which makes her less annoying than you and she's adorable unlike your ugly mug." He responds with his sarcastic smile as Mayla runs to Chin who is at the surface,with a picture of our victims drivers license up on the bug screens."Hey there's my Munky!" Chin says with a smile on his face ,picking May up. After I give Mayla a few minutes to visit with her Uncles,I take her into my office to play.

  Location; Unknown (Chasing a lead )

Timestamp; 11am

               "Listen Danny,May doesn't know Mary so I'm not leaving her with Mary,and that's not even touching the trust I don't have in Mary with my baby." I say now getting frustrated that Danny is saying leaving May with Mary might have been a good idea since one of us has to stay at HQ now. "Steven first of all I get the protective father thing okay trust me I am one myself. But Mary is capable of taking care of May trust me that little girl has your attitude." Danny says reasoning with me. "Ya No" I say bluntly as my phone rings,"McGarrett,******** I'm sorry WHAT."

Location;The Hospital


                  "Salmonella Mary,really?","I shouldn't have eaten,that egg salad on the plane.""Really this is what I was talking about" I say in frustration,and thinking that I was right."You need to take care of Jone for me." I role my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose."Mary I'm in the middle of a homicide investigation! I can't take care of a baby." "Steve you have too I'm stuck here overnight,and you have your daughter with you!" She states and I honestly couldn't argue that so I said fine,and took Jone with me.

Timestamp; 12:30 pm


I walk into my office and get May's lunch out,with Jone strapped to me.I walk over to Danny's office to give May her lunch and he starts laughing but May gets upset once she sees Jone strapped to me."My Daddy!" She screams well pulling on my pant leg, I've never seen her jealous but I unstrap Jone and hand her to Danny.When I pick up May she clings to me."Baby it's okay I'm always gonna be you're Daddy,but right now you gotta share me with your cousin Jone." I say well bouncing her a little bit."My Daddy" she says before laying her head on my shoulder and beginning to suck her thumb,that's why she was so fussy when I came in carrying Jone.I rubbed her back for about two minutes and she was asleep."So is she jealous or is she just cranky?" Danny halfway whispers as Jone looks like she is about to follow May to dream land."Ya Daniel surprisingly I don't have the ability to read my daughter's mind,but you can read Gracie's mind right?" I retort as I walk to lay Mayla on the couch in my office.

Location; Honolulu Zoo

"So Steven you don't trust Mary but you trust Max?" Danny starts over my ear piece.Which I just shut down because we were on a case and I had no other choice and I felt bad already because May did not like it when I left.



         May is holding Jone as I sit next to them on the couch in my office as I see Mary walk into HQ.I picked Jone up off May's lap and had May grab her diaper bag before we meet Mary by the surface.Mary quickly grabs Jone which prompted May to pull on my shirt to be picked up."Yes Baby I'm all yours again." I assure her and kiss her head as I pick her up and place her on my hip."I take it my niece was jealous today." Mary says well eyeing me down,as if I told her to be."She may have been a little bit but she's never had to share me with anyone let alone another little girl." Mary and I talk a bit us both holding our own little girls and then went our separate ways leaving me and May to have a movie night at home.

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