Will Gojo stand in my way?

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As we reach the airport strip we park alongside a jet. I can't help but marvel at the schools recently discovered wealth as I think to myself

"Damn this school has money money"

As the driver helps unload my belongings into the jet I turn to Marie.

Marie: "Now you go over there and show everyone what you're made of, remember our training and don't become a stranger you call me whenever you need to okay?"

I pull Marie into a tight embrace.

Y/N: "Don't worry I'll keep in touch"

Marie: "You better"

She chuckles to me and pulls away from our embrace and continues.

"Now go on lovely, I hope you will find all the answers to the questions you've had the last 13 years, your nana is right no matter what happens we are extremely proud of you."

Y/N: "Thank you Marie for everything, you've really been the best teacher"

Marie: "Hey now I'm still your teacher even if you're on the other side of the world"

In a sudden impulse, I pull Marie into another embrace, momentarily delaying our departure as the pilot urges us to hurry. Offering a quick apology, I release her and swiftly make my way up the steps into the jet, ready to embark on this new journey.

Settling into my seat, I retrieve a book and immerse myself in its pages. The powerful roar of the jet engines fills the cabin as we smoothly ascend into the sky. Taking a momentary break from my reading, I glance out the window, capturing one final glimpse of England before it disappears from view.

It's a bittersweet feeling. I'm feeling a mix of anxiousness and excitement all at the same time.

My mind wonders off as I'm thinking about the conversation with Marie in the car. A student gone rouge is not something unheard of but one that escapes. Now that's a rare occurrence. I understand why the higher ups are in a frenzy because Suguru Geto has been killing innocent people for two years and no one has stopped him. The man even killed his own parents. Although it just goes to show what power can do to a persons psyche.

Then that leads me to my other thoughts about Satoru Gojo. I can understand as to why he was a bit hesitant in killing him. I mean that was his friend and class mate. However if that was me in that position and that had been on of my fellow students I would have killed them for the greater good.

I'm just hoping I can do the job Marie has sent me to do. But there is one question that still remains If I go after Suguru Geto,

Will Gojo stand in my way?

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