Recording Tape 2: Gotham's Child Guardian (2 out of 3)

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We open to a TV screen turning on, showing a picture of two parents and a child as we hear a female voice from the TV.

Female voice: Hello parents of gotham, today we are going to talk about what to do and expect if your child goes missing in our wonderful city of gotham.

It then shows next a while silhouette of a woman on the right with white silhouette of a police officer on the right with don't panic, remain calm, and call enforcement on the bottom of the two people.

Female voice: first things first, don't freak out and remain calm. Call law enforcement and let them know about the missing child. Gotham city officials will immediately begin to search for your child. Until then, remain calm.

We then cut to a white silhouette of a person thinking.

Female voice: if gotham police are not able to locate your child, fear not, there is still hope. There is a 87% chance they will be located by the dark knightress, batwoman, In as little as an hour.

We then cut to see an image of your 4 white silhouettes of houses, with batwoman in the middle and a child as the fat right of one of the houses.

Female voice: fear not, when the knightress locates your child. She will comfort them, she will help them...and she will protect them at all cost.

We then see 3 imagines of the batwoman comforting the child, helping the child and protecting 5 children from a criminal. We then cut to the batwoman bringing the 5 children back to there homes.

Female voice: then she will bring your child home. Now don't worry parents, your children are extremely safe. You will either wake up to your child at your doorstep.

We then see a white silhouette of a house with a person hugging there child.

Female voice: or...she will put then to bed and out into the night.

We then cut to see the white silhouette of the batwoman tucking in a child into bed. As we move to see a mother smiling and holding her child.

Female voice: now that you have your child into your arms, you know that your kids will he safe if they were to ever go missing.

The TV turns off and all went black as everything was silent.

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