Recording Tape 3: A Boy Named (Y/N) (3 out of 3)

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We open to a hand held camera turning on as we see y/n looking at it as he places it down, sets it down on a table and sits on a chair as he looks the hand held camera.

(Y/N): Hi! My name is y/n, I'm 10 and half years old and I want to record this message about my life. You see, I live in a big mansion with my mom and wheatya, her assistant. My mom rich and likes to spoil me sometimes, wheatya helps with me relax when i come back from a tired day or from school. My mom even helps alot of animals right by our mansion. But however, when it's dinner time and the sun goes down, she's never there or disappears at night and i can't find her. Wheatya tells me she's busy with something, has a business meeting, or is working late, *sigh* But I get used to over time. Though however, she comes back in the mornings from her work, but she looks so tired and beat up. So, I would try to make her breakfast as she appreciates it. My mom is the best thing ever, she's helps alot of people and would bring me a souvenir from one of her business trios. I'm a fan of batwoman, the defender of Gotham. I do drawings of her, wear a shirt with her bat logo on it and would see her on TV in the night. But...i want to tell something I've been keeping to myself. You see, when I was about 6 years old, my mom told me to never open the door to downstairs. So, on one night, when I was 8 and a half years old, when my mom was out, i snuck downstairs. It was pitch back but then I saw what looked like a cave, it looked really scary, but I gained the courage to go in and see a really dark place. But what I saw was a computer, and a bunch of things that looked like it was a secret base ripped out of a action movie. So, I looked around and saw what looked like a bat-like costume with big horns, but it was dark so I couldn't really see what it was, maybe it was a bat-like costume, maybe it wasn't. But then, something grabbed me and covered my mouth as I fell asleep. I soon woke up and found myself on my bed, I figured that it could be a dream, but with if wasn't a dream, I could still smell that same stuff that made me fall asleep. But...then again, It must have been just missing a shower. Anyways, This is my recording.

The young bod turns off the hand-held camera as we hear him putting it back. As what he didn't know, was that one day, his life is gonna change forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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