The Beginning

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The sound of bird chirping in the morning as usual.Slowly I woke up from my deep slumber.Another day another life to begin.

Starting my day with the usual routine,I went to bathroom and took a quick shower.After that I went to choose my outfit for today.

I figured out that I will wear dark turtleneck shirt paired with a navy blue skirt with a matching jacket on top.I also wear a ribbon and a dark blue glove as well as sapphire earring so that it could match with my outfit.

I also tie my hair into a low ponytail with a braid.

(like photo below)

After finish getting ready,I went downstair

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After finish getting ready,I went downstair.

~In The Dining Room~

I walk into the dining room and saw that almost all my my family member are already here except for Brother Ezra.After seating,I greet my family while the maid prepare my breakfast.

"Good morning father mother"
My father just nod his head while my mother greet me back

I look in front of me and saw my sister and brother smiling at me.

"Good morning Sister Eve and Brother Ian" I greet while smiling at them

"Good morning Irene" respond my big brother

"Good morning to you too.Today is quite nice isn't it"state my big sister

Before I could say anything,I hear another person walks into the dining room.I look toward the source and see Brother Ezra walking.

"Good morning.Sorry I'm quite late today"he apologized

"Its alright darling.Take a seat"said my mother

Brother Ezra took a seat beside me as usual and then look toward me.

"Hi Irene,how are you today"
"I'm fine"I smiled and then we start eating our breakfast

The breakfast for today is my favourite which consist of fluffy pancake with fruits and whipping cream on top and also a fresh  apple juice.


I was enjoying my day by reading a book in the library when suddenly a maid come to me.

"Excuse me for disturbing you my lady,the duke is calling for you."said the maid

I nod at her and stand up to meet my father.

As I walk toward the office,I start to think about the reason why my father call for me.He rarely call me to his office beside something important.

After walking for a bit,I finally found the office door.I knocked three time before hearing my father voice that give permission to enter.

I open the door and what greet my sight is my father at his desk looking at the paper work.With light brown hair and blue sapphire eyes,you can see that he still look attractive even with a little wrinkles.

My father is one of the duke.Our family is known as the Noble of Sapphire because of our unique lineage traits which is the colour of our blue eyes that look like sapphire.

"Is there any reason why you call for me,father."I questioned

"Yes, there is something I need you to look at"he look at me and gesture for me to come closer

I walk towards him and saw him holding a black colour letter.

"Sit and read this letter"
I reached the letter and walk toward the chair to sit.

I look at the letter in my hand.It look quite unique in my opinion.I slowly open the letter and read what is written inside it.

To summarise it,the letter is an invitation to become an exchange student of an academy called 'The Royal Academy of Diavolo' or in short R.A.D for one year.

Interesting to say the least.To become an exchange student to a place I never heard of.

"Are you done yet" I heard my father voice.


"So what do you think"

"It looks quite interesting but didn't I already finished school so is there any need for me to go there"

"Don't worry you can still learn new things there"

"Um,okay then"

"Just sign at the end of the paper if you agree.Here's a pen"I took the pen from my father and signed.

"Done.Is there anything else father"


"Father,when will I go to the academy"I asked

"About an hour I guess."said my father calmly

I was shocked.Its Today?!and in one hour?!

"Then I should pack---"

"No need.Everything is already prepared"he said cutting me off

"Okay then.What should I do right now?"

"Just meet your mother and sibling but come back in 45 minutes "he uttered

I nod my head and start to find my mother and siblings.

Exactly after 45 minutes,I came back to the office.

"So did you meet the others"

"Yes,I also bid them farewell although it seems that mother already knew where I'm going to."

Father just stay silent and continue doing his work until he suddenly open his mouth.

"Just remember that you represent us and don't forget about what I told you before."

"Of course,father "

He was silent for a few seconds before saying

"Good luck there.We'll miss you"he state as he look at me for a bit.

I was quite surprised at his word since he is not the type of  person that say things like that but I still keep smiling.

After a few minutes,I suddenly feel very sleepy to the point where I can't hold it and slowly close my eyes.The last things I see before losing my consciousness is my father sitting at his desk while looking at me with his eyes the same colour as mine.

At that time I was still unaware about thing that would happen soon,thing that would change my life.

Author's Note $-$
~This is my first fanfiction and I'm sorry about the bad grammar since english is not my first language
~hope you enjoy it though

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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