Chapter 1

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Leona's POV

I tried my best to sneak into class without being spotted by one of the popular kids. I slipped into my desk in the back of the class as 'Our Lady of Sorrows' started to play. I pulled out my sketchbook and continued my drawing.

Even through the loud music I could hear her heels click, as she walked towards me. She stopped in front of my desk. She must have said something because she ripped one of my earbuds out of my ears.

"What do you want Missy?" I snapped as I looked at her. Her face must have been covered in at least ten pounds of make-up because she looked like a clown.

"Here," she said shoving a folded up piece of paper in my face. She turned on her heels and walked back over to her group. I unfolded it and started scanning the contents.


I think you're really cute and I wanna talk to you after class. Meet me at my locker.



I balled up the note in my hand.

"Missy!" I yelled. She said something to her friends making them snicker before slowly turning around.

"What do you want... freak?"

"Who gave you this note?" I asked, through clenched teeth.

"Ethan did."

"Bull shit! You've done this to me before and you know it! I'm not falling for it again!" I screamed, throwing the note on the ground. I picked up my messenger bag and sketchbook and stormed out of the classroom. I ran through the halls until I reached the back stairwell. I threw my bag down and slumped down next to it I pulled out my pencil and continued sketching. I felt the tears threatening to spill as I continued sketching. I started to add the finishing touches when I saw a pair of feet stop in front of me. I took out one of my earbuds.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I was just curious if I could sit here," he asked. I nodded and moved my bag so he could have a place to sit.

"Are you okay?" he asked.


"Your, makeup," he said motioning to my eyes. I pulled out my mirror and quickly started to wipe away the smeared eyeliner and mascara.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I whispered.

"Stop lying to yourself," he said, sitting down next to me.

"What did they say to you this time?"

"They were just... making fun of my appearance," I said.

"I see. Can you tell me about your art?" he asked, looking at my sketchbook. For the next hour I told him about every drawing in my sketchbook.

"Hey Vic!" Someone called. I quickly closed my sketchbook and put it in my bag. I stood up and started to walk away when Vic grabbed my arm. He looked up at me and I quickly shook my head 'no', reverting back to my antisocial self. I quickly pushed past whoever called his name and headed for the back field. There was an old shed I had found, it was empty and just far enough from the football field. I slipped in the shed and threw my bag by the door. I turned 'The Middle' by Jimmy Eat World on. Before I knew it I was lost in the music, rocking out as if I was playing for the entire world.

School was over and it was time for me to go home, if you could call it that. I picked up my bag and walked out of the shed. I was walking between the football and soccer fields when a soccer ball landed at my feet.

"Hey, sorry about- You're that girl Vic was with!" he said. I quickly nodded my head 'yes' and started to walk away.

"What's your name?" I stopped and looked back at him.

"L-Leona, you?"


"It was n-nice to me-meet you Jaime, b-but I have to get home," I said before walking away. I started walking home but stopped myself. I made a sharp right heading towards the cemetery. I picked some yellow flowers that were by the cemetery gate. I walked past the rows of headstones searching for the ones that made me hate myself. I stood there staring at it , wishing it to disappear, wishing they were still here with me. I kneeled down next to her grave, placing the yellow flowers on the ground. Yellow, her favorite color. If she was here today we would probably be polar opposites. She liked bright, cheerful things while I liked dark, gloomy, Un-natural things. I sat between their graves silently sobbing.

I heard the loud crunch of leaves as someone else entered the cemetery. I stood up, saying goodbye to them. I rushed out of the gates hurrying home. I slipped through the back door as quiet as possible.

"Where have you been?" she snapped.

"You forgot again, I was at the cemetery," I mumbled, pushing past her. I shut the door to my bedroom, throwing my bag at the foot of my bed.

Again, big thanks to pensive-weirdo for being my editor! Love you girl! XOXO

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