Chapter 2

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I dragged myself out of bed the next morning. I put a KISS shirt on with my black skinny jeans. I pulled a brush through my bright hair, fixing it to cover my left eye. I grabbed my bag and iPod and walked into the kitchen. I passed my mom in the kitchen saying a quick goodbye. I closed the door behind me and started the walk to school. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, it was that Jaime kid.


"H- hi," I stuttered.

"You like KISS?"

"Ye- yeah."

"What other musicians do you like?"

"Um... I'll keep it short. Gun N Roses, Bon Jovi, Heart, Joan Jett, Van Halen, Def Leopard, and Journey. That's it, at least for classic rock."

"Nice! Do you play any sports?"

"N- not really, but I do skateboard a little," I said.

"Really? That's awesome you should come skateboarding with Vic and I sometime!" He's inviting me?

"Y- yeah, that's sounds cool! W- what about you, what music do you like?"

"I like classic rock like you and punk rock."

"C- cool!" I said as we approached the school.

"Looks like we're here. Do you wanna go skateboarding this afternoon?"

"I... I can't I have a big project that's due soon,"

"Okay, I'll talk to Vic and we can figure out sometime when we can all go!"

"S- sounds good, Jaime. I'll see you later!"

"See ya, Leona!" I tried to walk to class as quickly as possible. I finally made it after being shoved into the lockers 12 times, A new record! My first period was math, which I am surprisingly good at. Since school had just started we were reviewing. There were three polynomials on the board. I quickly copied them down and finished them before anyone had finished one problem. I shoved my paper in the back of my AP magazine before someone could steal my answers. I quickly delved into the pages covered in spreads of my favorite bands.

"Miss Leona!" My teacher called.


"Please answer the warm-up."

"All th-three?" I asked an edge of confidence to my words.

"Only if you think you got them right."

"Don't worry, I got them right," I said before firing off all three answers, a wave of confidence rushing through me. I wore a proud smirk on my face as the others proceeded to a) be amazed I talked or b) ask questions. The rest of the class was un-eventful, as always. The bell rang and I collected all of my supplies. I rushed out of the room and onto the next class, English. Yay! Note the sarcasm. The class was just as un-eventful as first period and was over just as quickly. I rushed out of the room and went to my favorite stairwell, my favorite because no one really uses it.

I ate my apple as I started on a new piece. It was based off of my favorite fairy tale; Peter Pan. It was a silhouette of Peter running throughout the forest with the only lost girl, Wendy. Hook was chasing them and Tink was above the treetops leaving a trail of fairy dust that looked like stars.

"May I join you?" It was Vic and Jaime.

"Uh.. Sure," I said moving my bag. We talked about a few random things before the bell rang. I put my sketchbook away and picked up my bag. I said a quick goodbye and hurried to my Science class. After an hour and a half of hell the bell rang and I practically ran to my next class, Art! I was the only student that had opted for advanced art so I was put in a regular class and the teacher gave me different assignments. Basically she let me work with whatever media I wanted to, to make whatever I wanted and she would grade it based on "advanced level" standards. She let me use the un-used section of the class room as my "own personal studio". I could use it till 5 everyday after school or come on off days when she is working. I had been staring at the page for the last ten minutes when it came to me.

"Mrs. Webb?"


"I was curious if I could take a picture for my piece. I would need one of the cameras and a note."

"Who do you need the note for?"

"I need it for Jaime Preciado, he is in Mrs. Allender's class." I said, recollecting his schedule. She wrote a note and gave me the key to the camera cabinet. I rushed off to grab a camera. I walk through the hallways, my boots causing a slight echo. I knocked on her door and waited.

"Yes?" she asked. I handed her the note and watched her read it.

"Mr. Preciado, Miss Starr needs you," she said returning to the class. Jaime stood up and slowly walked out of the room. When he saw me he smiled.

"Miss Starr?" he asked with a smirk.

"Shut it Preciado," I said as I started to take pictures of him.

"May I ask why you are taking photos of me?"

"Art project," I mumbled, looking through the photos. It had to be just right. Jaime started acting like he was a model, standing in different poses and making silly faces. I couldn't help but laugh. I finally got the perfect photo, he was standing there with one hand in his pocket with a serious look. As soon as I took the photo we both burst out laughing.

"I wish you could stay out here longer, but I have what I need."

"You sure I can't come with you?" he asked jokingly.

"I'm positive, thanks for letting me photograph you though!"

"No problem, but I want to see this art project when it's finished!"

"Deal," I said, turning and walking back to the studio.

At the end of each chapter I will put any notes and a list of the music I was listening to while writing the chapter.

How Does It Feel by: Citizen
Condolences by: Touché Amoré

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