The doctors appointment

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Izuku's POV

Izuku was sound asleep when his alarm suddenly went off and Izuku slowly opened his eyes to remember "I get to know my quirk today" he happily shouted and ran over to his mom's room in his all might pj's. "Mommy! Mommy! wake up its time to go to the doctors" Izuku shouted with a huge grin on his face. "Izuku honey it's 7:30 in the morning" Inko said as she was still half asleep. "but the faster we get ready to go the easier it will be for me to know what my quirk is!" Izuku stated. "ok ok go get ready" Inko said laughing as she was fully awake now.

I run up to my room and put on my green shorts and my all might shirt. I'm gonna get to know what my quirk is so I got to hurry Izuku thought to himself as he grabbed his all might figure and bolted down the stairs to eat his his breakfast. He ran down to see a plate full of waffles and pancakes yummy he was going all out on his food until his mom told him to slow down and enjoy it, He still ate it fast either way. After he was finished his mom grabbed her stuff and they headed to the car. Izuku hopped in and Inko started the car and he thought to himself, but in reality mumbled to himself. I wonder what quirk I will get mommy has telekinesis so I hope I get that .

They arrived at the hospital and sat in the waiting room, Izuku was swinging his legs off the chair so much they looked like they were about to fly off. "Izuku are you excited" Inko asked. "Uh Huh, I hope I get a stronger version of your quirk!" Izuku said trying to contain his excitement. "Midoriya Izuku!" someone shouted. "It's our turn c'mon Izuku" inko stated as they followed the doctor with no and and a pair of goggles into a room with a lot of equipment. "So little one you are trying to know what your quirk is?" the doctor said. "yep!". "welp that's why I am here, But first we need to run a few tests".

After the tests the doctor asked my mom a few questions about her quirk and her family's quirk I couldn't figure out why though but I think it's fine. "ma'am your son's quirk will be extremely powerful, The more he get's older the better it can become" Izuku's and Inko eyes brightened at those words. "Did you hear that mom, My quirk is strong that means I can be a hero just like all might!" Izuku was so happy he was jumping up and down. "your gonna make a great hero kid" the doctor stated and Inko nodded in agreement. "Oh and I forgot to mention that you probably wont be able to activate you quirk until middle school".

Time skip to when he was in middle school because yes

"HEY DEKU!" Bakugou shouted directing it the the fragile boy standing in front of him. "WHAT'S IN YOUR HAND?" Bakugou shouted as Izuku handed him the notebook. *Bakugou reads the title of the notebook* Hero notes for the future. HAH? "DO YOU REALLY THINK CAN BECOME A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK WORTHLESS DEKU?". *Bakugou explodes the notebook and throws it out the window* "I THINK YOU NEED TO BE TOUGHT A LESSON DEKU" Izuku pleaded and begged but it was too late as he was thrown against the wall, Burned, scratched and kicked. 'Maybe if you take a swan dive off the roof you really will get a quirk in the next life" Bakugou stated walking out the classroom with his goons, Leaving Izuku to himself thinking about what Bakugou just said. Maybe I should do it Izuku thought to himself I mean it would make Kacchan and everyone else happy, mom wouldn't have to work so much, and before Izuku knew it he was on a rooftop getting ready to jump. He got a running start and ran off the building of his school roof. As his life flashed before his eyes, before everything going black... He heard a voice. Izuku Midoriya has gained the ability to fly. After he heard that he opened his eyes to see himself levitating 20 - 25 feet above the ground. I have a reason to live!

Welp there you have it folks a brand new story which is my first please don't judge. I will try to make longer chapter's or more just like this one. I also have a idea leave a comment saying what he should get next.

(Comment under this for quirk addon suggestion's)

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