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- On the authority of Abu Hurairah ( may Allah be pleased with him ), who said: The messenger of Allah ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said: Look upon one who is below you in status and do not look upon one who is above you in status. In this way you will not look down upon the grace that Allah has bestowed upon you.

1- On the authority of Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas ( may Allah be pleased with him ), who said: The prophet ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said: Among the major sins are: Association of any**** with Allah, disobedience to parents, killing of a person, and taking a false oath ( perjury). ( Bukhari )

On the authority of Ibn Umar ( may Allah be pleased with him ), who said: The prophet ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said: The most disliked act out of the lowful acts in the sight of Allah is divorce. ( Abu Daoud )

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