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Gyuri rushed to the school gate, barely making it on time. She passed by a few acquaintances, greeting them as she walked to her classroom. Reaching to her final destination, she recognized Shinyu waiting outside. Gyuri walked over to him which caught his attention.

"Hey girlfriend, glad that you're not late." Shinyu said, handing over her psychology textbook.

She took the textbook, thanking him multiple times, "Thank you thank youu. You're a lifesaver."

They walked into the classroom, finding a spot to sit. As Shinyu was about to sit down at a table, Gyuri quickly pulled him up and dragged him over to the back of the classroom to sit together. Hyunwook looked at this scene, clenching his hands. Annoyed at their behavior, he scoffed.

Shinyu looked inside his backpack, not being able to find a pencil to take notes. He leans over to whisper, "Hey, do you have a pencil that I can borrow?"

She nodded, rummaging through her pencil case to find a pencil for him. She handed the pencil to him and went back to finding the page on her textbook. Shinyu quickly muttered a thanks, opening his notebook to start writing notes.


Getting bored of the lecture, Shinyu nudged Gyuri's shoulder.

"Psst, I'm bored. Mr. Park's lecture is so long."

"Yea, keep getting distracted and you'll fail the test next week," she said, not bothering to look at him.

He rolled his eyes and nudged her shoulder again, "Come onn, it's just one lecture. And besides, you're here to help."

Done with his bothering, she turned her head towards him with a frown, "I swear to god I'm going to-"

"Care to share with the class on what's going on? We're in the middle of the lecture and you are distracting the rest of the class," Mr. Park snapped, making her and Shinyu the center of attention.

"Sorry Mr. Park, it won't happen again," Gyuri said in a low voice, making sure to kick Shinyu's leg under the table.

Few giggles and hushed whispers were heard in the classroom, amused of what was going on between the star basketball player and the pretty girl. Hiding behind the giggles and whispers was Hyunwook, seemingly getting more annoyed and jealous of the happening. Hyunwook decided by himself to go up to Gyuri during break.


The bell rang, dismissing everyone from class. Both Shinyu and Gyuri had their next class together, making them walk side-by-side with each other in the hallways. As they talked, a random boy came up to Shinyu.

"Huh? Dude who's this girl? I swear I've never seen her around before," pointing at the girl next to him.

Shinyu slapped down his hand, "Kid, pointing at people is rude. Gyuri, this is Kyungmin. Kyungmin, this is Gyuri."

Gyuri shyly waved at the younger looking boy, receiving a wave back in return.

"Hi! I would usually say that I've heard a lot about you, but I've heard nothing about you," he joked, making the latter chuckle as well.

"Don't worry, I've heard nothing about you, too. I almost believed that he had no friends whatsoever," she replied, finding a liking to Kyungmin.

"Well, I have to go to class or I'm going to be late. Bro, you better tell me more in detail. I'm not gonna stay in the dark again," Kyungmin said to Shinyu, getting a half-assed nod and a wave to get him going.

As soon as Kyungmin walked away from the two, Shinyu glared at Gyuri, "What do you mean that you thought I had no friends? I have plenty of friends, I'm not some loser you know."

She shrugged and raised both of her arms, "I mean, you haven't told me anything about you or your friends so."

"Do I have a reason to? This is a business relationship you know," he retorted back, his stubbornness showing.

"Even if it is a business relationship, how are we going to make it believable if we know nothing about each other?" she talked back, not wanting to back down.

Shinyu raised his hands in defeat, " Okay, okay. Then what do you want us to do, your highness?"

She smiled in triumph when he willingly accepted his defeat, "Let's hangout this Friday afterschool. I need to start posting on my account and you too. I can't be the only one posting. and it's also a better way for us to get to know each other."

He nodded, reminding himself to clear any schedule he had this Friday, "Alright, I guess we can figure something out later."


Second period was over and the two both parted ways. There was 10 minutes of break so Gyuri went over to her locker to put and take out things for her next class. Just as she arrived to her locker, she saw a male figure that she's been getting more and more annoyed at.

Hyunwook took notice of her appraoching, getting away from her locker, "Gyuri. Is there really no way to get back together? I'm a changed man, I broke up with that chick for you."

She internally gagged at what he said, thanking him for breaking up with her, "Just because you broke up with her doesn't mean that you changed girly. I'm going to get going so you should too."

Gyuri walkes away before Hyunwook could say anything to her. She curses herself out, asking herself why she dated an icky man for a year. Shaking her head to forget the memories, she goes into class.


It was lunch and Gyuri was on her way to find Shinyu for lunch. She eventually found him near the vending machines, figuring out what type of drinks to buy. She lightly smiled, finding him cute before sneaking in a picture, surprising him.

"Holy shit, you scared me," he put his hand over his heart, startled by her presence.

"Sorry pooks, didn't mean to scare you. Anyways, let's get lunch together. It's my treat." Gyuri took a hold of his arm, making sure he doesn't run away from her to not eat lunch with her.

jjangxgyuri story

jjangxgyuri story

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❥❥❥• i kept my promise guys 🤞🏻• a longer ch for you guys bc i kinda left u guys in the dark in like the past 2 chapters

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• i kept my promise guys 🤞🏻
• a longer ch for you guys bc i kinda left u guys in the dark in like the past 2 chapters..
• next chapter is most likely gonna be their hangout so give suggestions on what they should do together 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
• kyungmin is introduced !! hes so cute UGH 🥹
• lowkey thinking of making this a series... so watch out for that

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