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Dohoon was walking to his class after break, humming to the songs playing on his headphones. Switching through the different songs in the playlist to set the mood, he bumped into a girl, dropping her books. He immediately apologized, crouching to help gather the books.

Both of them stood up, only for Dohoon to be met by the same girl he met on facetime the day before.



They both stared at each other before laughing, finding the situation hilarious.

"Woah, hi. Wait why are you so tall, it's not fair," she said, thanking him as he gave the books back to her.

He laughed, "Hey, why are you so short? Did you not sleep a lot when you were younger?"

She faked a gasp, putting her hand over her heart, "How could you, mind you, I'm average height for a girl."

"Still short," he shrugged, "Let's talk more soon, I can't be late to class!"

He waved a goodbye, making sure he got one back before putting on his headphones again while walking to his class.


your cutie patootie 😜

do u wanna eat lunch tgt

oh 😟
i was gonna eat lunch w my friends

nah nvm have fun w ur friends

nuh uh
join us !!
or im dragging you w me 😐

woah woah
my bad your highness 🙄

i also need to give u smth too
so u better not run

yes maam


The bell rang, indicating that it was lunch, making students rush out of the classroom to be first in line for the food. Gyuri packed up her bag, double checking that she didn't leave anything behind. Taking out her Airpods, she played her most frequently played playlist as she waited for Shinyu to come.

Distracted from her phone, she was unaware of a certain boy going towards her. Just as she exited out of Instagram, a hand snatched away her phone.

Right as she was about to scream at the person, she looked up and realized it was Shinyu.

"Goddamn, I was about to yell because of you," she deadpanned, snatching back her phone from him.

Shinyu smiled smugly, proud of his execution, "My bad, Jang. Hey, but can you blame me? It was kind of funny, right?"


"Womp womp, too bad so sad," he shrugged.

Both started walking towards the cafeteria when Gyuri had a moment of realization and stopped Shinyu.

"Oh yea, I totally forgot what I was going to give you," she started unzipping her bag, shuffling through the variety of things.

Her eyes sought eureka, pulling out a small envelope from the depth of her backpack. She handed it over to him, where he was confused on what it was.

"What is this?"

"Your payment for last week," she replied, zipping her bag up.

Shinyu look at the envelope, then back at her, repeating until he realized it was real. "Oh shit, I didn't think you'd actually give me money."

She sheepishly smiled, lightly pushing him to go to the cafeteria. "I mean, I keep my promises you know. If you want me to lower your payment, I'll gladly do so. Let's go! I'm starving."


Gyuri arrived back home, putting everything away and changed into her comfy clothes. She decided to take a break before starting on homework, scrolling through different social media apps.

second sem seniors 🥳

shinyu is hilarious

ur js saying that bc u have a man crush on him

so true


idk abt that one

believe what you wanna believe in girly

u guys r js haters

womp womp
so gyuri
hows it going w shinyu 🫣

he acts like a kid
its cute tho so



has hyunwook been bothering you lately?

its been quiet
a little too quiet..

watch him take his chance and go up to u again
u better not like him again

i know i knoww
i wont  🫡

we should hang out tgt
its been a long time since the three musketeers hung out 😔😔

ngl im down

no bc same
im down to do it hang out this weekend
i should be free

same here 🙋🏻‍♀️

alr alr
i'll try to set up smth to do tgt
if not then
dinner and yk we gotta pull up with our booze 🫣


ur so

if were gonna drink
gotta do it at someones house
UGH speaking of
theres a party after our senior bonfire soon
we should go !!


i'll put down our names on the party list then

so excited 😆😆😆

ok well
im gonna take a nap now
goodnight 😴


you really gotta fix ur sleep schedule girl

• woah another update so soon??
• the only time im gonna have motivation
• im figuring its taking too long to go through the days so imma js speed it up a little bit
• next ch or prolly the ch after that itll be the party scene and yk im gonna pull up with some cute moments btwn gyuri and shinyu 🤞🏻
• I ALSO DONT ENCOURAGE UNDERAGE DRINKING but im doing it for the plot guys 😔😔😔

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