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~A few hours after the Tragedy..~

You woke up laying in a.. comfortable bed? You started to look around, confused about your surroundings.

The bed you were laying on had a white silk pillow, with a golden silk blanket with the illustration of a golden eye.

Of course, this is in the style of the Longan Dragon, what did you expect?

A small nightstand made of dark wood was beside the bed, you saw from a vanity with a mirror. There was a chair, and some other necessities.

You got up to look at yourself. The scars and wounds you got during the evacuation were tended to with gentle care. Your horns (if wanted) were wrapped up in bandages, same goes to your tail.

Your outfit was still the same, being ripped a little.

The vanity had some jewelry. Rings, necklaces, bracelets and other accessories. Most were made of pure gold, others had tints of bronze and silver.

Knock knock...

"Come in!"

The small dragon from before entered the room.

"You must be the dragon Longan took interest in~!"

You looked confused, then realized:

~"Longan = Ivory dragon!"~

"I suppose so.."

You responded awkwardly, hands behind your back.

"Well, the name's Lychee Dragon cookie!"

"Lychee, it's nice to meet you. I'm Y/F Dragon Cookie."

The two of you shake hands. They tell you some things about Longan.

"Jeez, your outfit is rough!"

Lychee points out, looking at your outfit. It was quite destroyed.

"I know, everything that happened these days was really strange."

"I'll ask Longan to borrow you one of their robes, be right back!"

Lychee says before flying off and closing your door. A few minutes later, you exit your room to explore the palace a little.


Your eyes widen, seeing how big the Lustrous Longan Palace is. As you walk around, you see illustrations, banners, statues and more.

The only things that caught your eye were the Longan Orbs wandering the palace, some even following you.

Slowly, you made your way through the palace, finding the throne room where the Ivory dragon was supposedly residing.

And there they were, in all their might and glory:

The Ivory Dragon.

"E-excuse me..!"

You said, getting their attention. They looked at you, eyes staring right through you.

"Y-you are L-longan, I suppose..?"


They respond. This was very  anxiety inducing.

"M-may I ask why I'm here..?"

"I need you."

"Me? F-for what?"

"A plan. To get revenge on cookies for killing us dragons."

The dragon stopped talking, then looked straight at you.

"If you help me with my plan, I'll help you to get stronger. But, if you don't, you will end up like every cookie on Earthbread. Do we have a deal? "

You stopped to think about all of this. Helping to destroy cookies. Those adorable, crispy cookies.. But, you would get stronger. Not like you have a choice.

"... Deal."

The two of you shook hands, and your fate was sealed.

~To my readers,
Hii, Author here. Gotta say thanks to everyone who read and even voted on this small book. Because of everyone, I managed to made it to top #1000 in cookie run!! Massive MASSIVE thanks to everyone!!

From D.B.~

•Deal• -Longan dragon cookie x Non-binary Dragon!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now