Chapter 75: The Admiral and I are Best Friends (6)

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It was the first time that a man threatened her so fiercely. The thrashing merman finally stopped struggling, and then she obediently snuggled into the man's arms as if she was afraid that the man would throw him away.

Although the tail is very long, after transforming into legs, the silver-haired mermaid is no more than a human boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. Looking down at the small ball in his arms, Qi Rong sighed silently. --He

was disheveled and had tears in his eyes. People who didn't know thought he had caught the little mermaid.

After laying out the coat that he had thrown on the ground, Qi Rong had to spend a lot of words to get the other party to accept sitting next to the fire. Looking at the stupid mermaid who couldn't straighten up, Qi Rong hesitated for two seconds. , finally resigned to his fate and sat aside as a cushion for the other party.

"Does it still hurt?" Qi Rong raised his hand and rubbed his sore temples, trying his best to alleviate the sequelae caused by his excessive vigilance just now.

Shaking her head, the mermaid held back the tears in her eyes and curiously looked at her legs that were turned into fish tails.

"Same," she raised her hand and poked the thigh of the man next to her. The mermaid looked up at him, "Has Hill also turned into Qi Rong?" "

Not into Qi Rong, but into a human being." Rigorously Correcting the other party's wrong concept, Qi Rong forced himself not to pay too much attention to the pair of naked legs.

It wasn't that he wanted to be a gangster, but when he thought about having to help a mermaid put on pants except for his shirt, Qi Rong felt that it was better to keep things as they were.

Reaching out for the change of clothes that had been dried by the fire and folded aside, Qi Rong put another coat on the mermaid's legs, finally alleviating the awkward feeling in his heart.

"Human?" Unaccustomed to moving the two weak "tails", the mermaid frowned again, "Then can Hill go back?"

With these two useless tails, let alone Since he was hunting and eating, he probably couldn't even swim freely.

"I don't know," Qi Rong pushed the mermaid's long, steamy hair behind her ears, vaguely feeling as if she had touched an inconspicuous bump, "but those mermaids who live with humans now, they can Switch between the fish tail and the legs freely."

The small crack behind the ear was a little itchy when the man touched it, and the mermaid couldn't help but giggle, and even forgot to listen to the response from the other person's mouth.

Are all wild mermaids who have not been taught by their elders this stupid? Looking helplessly at the merman who kept touching his fingers with his ears, Qi Rong was completely unable to describe the other person as fierce and intelligent.

"Qi Rong is saying bad things about Hill," she suddenly stopped chasing the man's fingers, and the silver-haired mermaid puffed up her cheeks angrily, "Hill heard it." Qi, who had never heard of

wild mermaids having the ability to read minds. Rong: ...Did he accidentally say what was in his heart just now?

"Sil just heard it." She raised her hand and caressed the man's eyes. The mermaid carefully put away her transparent nails, "From here." "This place is very powerful. There are always two

Hill's inside.

" His words were innocent and unintentional, but they inadvertently exposed the fact that someone's eyes were always following the other person. He coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment, and Qi Rong calmly changed the subject: "When did Hill's tail hurt? Or did you say Today happens to be your birthday?" He

blinked in confusion. The mermaid obviously still didn't understand abstract words like birthday, but after getting along with him for a day, he easily understood the man's first question.

"It hurt when I went to find the dolphins," the mermaid recalled seriously as she poked the buttons on the man's clothes. "Because it hurt so much, Hill wanted to ask Qi Rong for help." "Qi Rong can make fires and cook delicious

food. The grilled fish must also know why Hill's tail hurts."

"But it hurts so much when swimming up." She flattened her mouth and gently punched her immobile leg, "It hurts so much that my tail is about to break. ."

In order to meet the prince, the legendary Little Mermaid drank a magic potion that turned her tail into legs. Every step she took was like dancing on the tip of a knife. Although she knew the situation was different, she endured the pain when she thought of him. Swimming out from the deep sea to look for him, Qi Rong had this childish idea uncontrollably.

There was no way to solve the mermaid's sudden "coming of age ceremony" for the time being. Qi Rong looked at the other party's little face that was stained crimson by the fire but still did not hide his sadness, and finally coaxed him with a gentle voice: "Sil is sleepy. ? Go to sleep first, maybe when you open your eyes tomorrow morning, Hill's tail will be back."

"Then Hill is sleepy!" As soon as he heard that tail might come back, the silver-haired mermaid immediately responded cheerfully, and then quickly followed the man In his arms he closed his eyes.

After saying good night softly, Qi Rong, who had already guessed that he would be used as a pillow, was not surprised or happy. He hugged the mermaid with a calm expression and fell down on the beach to change his sleeping position.

The swollen temples had already been effectively soothed by the conversation with the mermaid. If nothing unexpected happened, he should get a rare good sleep today.

--As long as the mermaid sleeps well.

Facts have proved that even if a certain mermaid's sleeping appearance was very dishonest, Qi Rong still slept peacefully until dawn.

The soft morning light fell quietly, and the man, who was serious even when he was sleeping, moved his eyelashes, and felt that someone was constantly crawling into his arms next to him.

The first thing you see is a piece of lustrous silver. After a night of "air-drying", the mermaid's silver hair is still smooth, but it has inevitably become messy.

As if she hated the sun, the mermaid turned her back to the east and buried her whole body in the man's arms. Although it was very weak, Qi Rong could still clearly feel the breath blowing across her chest.

The clothes at the shoulders were grabbed hard. Compared with the mermaid, the other party was more like a clinging octopus at the moment. When he noticed that the other party's bare legs were resting on his body without any scruples, he started to feel something. Some men who had normal physiological reactions even stiffened up.

Lively and fragrant, no matter how serious Qi Rong is, he has to admit that all the mermaids are beautiful and sweet-sounding beauties.

Especially the one wearing his own shirt.

Obviously he didn't have any wrong thoughts when facing the relevant books and matching library information, but after meeting this mermaid named Hill, he couldn't control the associations that popped up in his mind from time to time.

Although the posture was ambiguous, the sleeping mermaid obediently made no movement at the moment. He couldn't bear to wake him up. Qi Rong could only stare at the fire not far away with only sparks left, and calmly sorted out his mental energy.

Lin Guo, who was pretending to be asleep and looking forward to something happening:...

A big drama from last night to this morning has brought about such a result. Thanks to his hard work, how can Yan Bai in this world be so serious?

Although teasing veteran cadres was fun, Lin Guo always felt that it didn't quite fit the other person's character.

"Don't worry, you didn't recognize the wrong person." Seeing that his host was depressed, Ling Shiyi, who was eating melon seeds and watching dramas while watching the night, said, "They are all the same, no matter how serious he is now, you will definitely feel better in the end." ]

[Okay, maybe it's his head... maybe the data is corrupted. ]

He made a joke without sincerity. Lin Guo quietly leaned in the man's arms and closed his eyes to take a nap. He didn't pretend to wake up until the other man calmed down and lost his temper.

"Qi Rong!"

When she raised her eyes and met the man's dark eyes, the mermaid shouted happily, not even caring about the tail she cared about most.

With a low response, Qi Rong looked at the other party's eyes full of simplicity and happiness, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Lifting the already awake mermaid up from his arms, Qi Rong discovered that the other person was not losing strength due to pain as he thought. The fish's tail turned into legs. The mermaid just hadn't learned how to use these two new "walking tools" to exert force.

In order to survive on the island, he would definitely go to the forest to look for dead branches and food. Just letting a mermaid who had left the ocean and was unable to move stay where he was, Qi Rong simply couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Even if he is strong enough to carry the opponent on his back, when encountering real danger, the mermaid will inevitably suffer due to his uncontrollable legs.

The condition of the silver-haired mermaid is very different from the information recorded in the book. Before it is certain when the mermaid will return to normal, the most important thing is to teach the silver-haired mermaid how to walk on two legs.

But the mermaid's current clothes were not suitable for any movements at all. When he thought that he still had to face the big problem last night, Qi Rong felt that his head had become two heads.

By coincidence, the mermaid who had regained her energy once again had a strong desire for knowledge. She gently picked up the man's military pants that were stained with sea sand with her nails. The mermaid raised her head and asked, "What is this? Why didn't Hill ?"

"These are... pants." Compromisingly, he found the softest and only black sweatpants from the surface of the space button. Qi Rong put his arm around the other person's shoulders and pulled the mermaid sitting on the ground like a carrot. "Carry" it up.

"Then what is this?" Because the man used his strength skillfully, the silver-haired mermaid not only did not feel any discomfort, she even pointed at the triangular fabric of the same color on the black sweatpants.

"...Pants too."

After quickly answering the other party's question, Qi Rong hugged the other party to the princess when the silver-haired mermaid muttered "Then why didn't Qi Rong wear them?" and walked quickly to a higher rock.

"Hold on with your hands." Putting the mermaid's coat on the rock, Qi Rong tried his best to put away his distracting thoughts and teach the other party to use his strength to stand firm.

Obediently standing still as the man said, before the silver-haired mermaid could get excited about this completely different perspective than before, she found the man squatting down with the two things called pants.

"Lift your feet."

The man lowered his eyes and controlled his gaze, leaving only the back of his head open to the other person, and his voice remained steady.

"What are feet?"

A simple question came from the top of his head. Qi Rong paused, feeling that he had made a very unreliable decision.

With the military emblem on it, he is obviously doing things seriously.

But this situation...why is it always becoming more and more inappropriate?

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