Chapter 83: The Admiral and I are Best Friends (14)

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Regarding the matter of rescuing the mermaid, Lin Guo was not just a whim, using mental waves and manipulating the sea water. After he found out that the original owner probably had the blood of the mermaid royal family, Lin Guo was ready to go to the institute. Be prepared to find trouble.

But to save people, Lin Guo is not the legendary Virgin Mary. He just wants to give those mermaids who don't want to stay in the institute a different choice. He doesn't really want to decide one based on his personal will. The fate of the race.

Moreover, if no follow-up protection measures are taken, Lin Guo is really worried that if these delicate flowers grow up in human greenhouses, they will become a meal for other carnivorous fish as soon as they enter the sea.

However, as Qi Rong said, the Mermaid Research Institute has been rooted in the Galactic Empire for hundreds of years. There are not only intricate interests behind it, but also a death-free gold medal implicitly tacitly acknowledged by the royal family.

If you want to uproot a huge organization with a history of hundreds of years in a short period of time, unless you use unconventional means that require a lot of points, it is impossible even if Lin Guo goes into battle personally. Knowing that this matter cannot be rushed, Lin Guo will Press it down for now, and then eat the melon leisurely.

--Anyway, the life spans of mermaids and humans in this world are not short. Before he leaves, he will definitely let the mermaid clan see some new developments.

"What are you thinking about? You are so lost in thought?" Turning off the children's version of the optical brain terminal on the mermaid's wrist, Qi Rong wore a very smoky apron and pushed the freshly made fish fillet porridge towards the other party.

"Mills," replied truthfully, the merman who basically recognized the universal text took the spoon handed over by the man, "He seems to have been arrested." "It's just an

arrest and investigation. I will personally investigate him when the trial is held. Go to the military court." He

casually took off his apron and put it on the back of the chair. Qi Rong tapped his fingers on the table beside the mermaid: "I stare at him every day. Is Hill in love with Mias? ?"

"Qi Rong is obviously going to marry him." Sticking out her tongue, the silver-haired mermaid lowered her head and stirred the fragrant fish porridge in front of her with a spoon. "Now Hill already knows what marriage is. Let's see, in this life Except for Hill, no one can marry Qi Rong."

Because he looks like a young man, the fierce look of the mermaid is more like a kind of angry coquettishness in Qi Rong's eyes. He opened the sealed side dishes and Qi Rong smiled. He said, "Hill really wants to be a bride?"

"The groom! It's the groom!" After swallowing the soft fish fillet porridge in her mouth, the mermaid corrected her seriously, "Hill checked, if two men get married, then Both of them are grooms."

"Okay, okay, Hill is the smartest." Qi Rong raised his hands in surrender, and wisely changed the topic, "I want to go back to the military headquarters today. , I might have to go to the Capital Military Academy for a class, Hill, do you want to go with me?"

After the border war, the war between the Galactic Empire and the Zerg came to an end for the time being. In the past, when there was no war, Qi Rong mostly stayed in Military training, or as a specially invited professor to give practical mecha combat classes to the students of the Capital Military Academy.

He had already spent a month on Aquamarine to recuperate from his injuries, and during this time he stayed at home to take care of the mermaid. Calculating it carefully, Qi Rong had indeed spent eight out of ten of the vacation he had saved.

"Together." Busy eating, the mermaid answered concisely and powerfully in two words.

"It might be boring," the mermaid's answer was not surprising, but Qi Rong still felt that he needed to inoculate the other party first. "There might be many humans who are curious about Hill."

Anyway, follow me. The mermaid captured by the media next to him can be regarded as a moderate star Internet celebrity. Because they can't find out the specific information of the other party, everyone is even more curious about the silver-haired boy who stole the admiral's heart. It is getting thicker and thicker day by day.

It's not that Eddie's forged information couldn't stand up to interrogation, it's just that Hill's own people, Qi Rong, didn't want the other party to be freely commented on the Internet.

Especially those comments that shouted about "Licking and licking the beauty of the prosperous age", Qi Rong could not wait to open a small account and hack the highly praised accounts that were clicked to the homepage.

He was still as jealous as ever. He snickered in his heart. Lin Guo said that he could see all the entanglements that the other party had when looking at the terminal these days. When he could really find the man's original data and bring it back, he would definitely take it back. Show the other person these secretly taken photos.

"Sil is not afraid." After eating and drinking, the mermaid put away the bowls and chopsticks obediently. "Sil knows that most humans are good."

"Just like Qi Rong."

The silly fish smiled helplessly. Qi Rong smiled and had no idea how the other party could grow up to look so innocent but not only stupid.

--Like a crystal clear diamond, while retaining its purity and clarity, it also has the toughness to be unafraid of anyone.

"Then let's go together." The three of them finished their breakfast in two bites. Seeing the other person's obedient appearance of putting the dishes and chopsticks into the automatic dishwasher in the kitchen, Qi Rong raised the corners of his lips and couldn't help but raise his voice to scare him in a malicious tone. , "We have agreed, no matter what the situation is, Hill is not allowed to go home alone."

Lin Guo, who had no fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh: It's a joke, it's just going out, how can I be so scared? Where to go?


Facts have proved that even if you have experienced hundreds of battles in the mission world, some words must not be said too fully.

Ignoring the Nth soldier who "unintentionally" passed by the door of the lounge, Lin Guo tensed his back and sat on the sofa, continuing to stare at a group of "Qi Rong's friends" who were wearing formal clothes but not sitting down. .

"Is this the little mermaid that the boss brought back from Planet Aquamarine?" She looked at the young man in front of her in surprise, who looked just like a human. A black-haired woman who looked quite mature said with an incredulous look on her face, "No. Well, our boss's piece of wood can really open up his mind?"

"Please, Ms. Wendy, can you please stop gossiping in front of the real owner?" He rolled his eyes indecently, the only one he had ever interacted with was a mermaid. Eddie reminded silently, "Hill can understand Common Language."

"Sorry, I'm just a little excited." With a slight cough, the black-haired woman, Wendy, turned around and took an unopened bottle from the small coffee table. Juice, his behavior returned to his usual elegance, "Only fruit and vegetable juice on the warship, Hill, do you want to drink it?"

The other party's eyes were bright, and the signals emanating from his body were full of goodwill. He reached out to take the bottle, and the silver-haired mermaid pursed her lips. Whispered a thank you.

Wendy, who looks like a powerful lady on the outside but is a cute and controlling girl on the inside: ...cute, I want to rub her.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Eddie held down the woman's hand that was about to move. He grabbed the woman's back collar and walked out: "Hill, wait, I'll help you call the boss back." "

If you dare to hold me, if you don't want to live anymore, just tell me. ," she stepped on the opponent unceremoniously, and Wendy leaned against the door of the lounge and straightened her collar, "Didn't the boss ask us to take care of him? Are you not afraid that Hill will be sad if you leave him alone like this? "

Didn't you see that everyone is scared to death by you?" Eddie's toes hurt, and Eddie deliberately hugged his calf and howled a few times, "I've seen him in front of the boss, and he's much more lively than when he's in front of you."

"She's just grown up, don't be the weird aunt of our legion."

"Go away, this is motherhood!" She gave the blond young man a hard knock, and Wendy suddenly changed her tone to a calm one, "What do you mean, boss? Are you serious?"

"I've known him for so many years, but I've never seen him take anyone to a warship." "

100% serious, okay! Didn't you see the way the boss dotes on the little mermaid? "Wrinkling his eyebrows exaggeratedly, Eddie made a look of sore teeth, "Toothache, I hate the sour smell of love."

"You're just jealous." Wendy rolled her eyes at the other party and slowly tucked her messy hair behind her ears, "But having said that, although I didn't expect the boss to have an interracial relationship, Hill is better than that Mias. Much better."

"Don't mention him to me." When he heard the name Mias, Eddie couldn't suppress his anger. "The higher-ups sent people to Aquamarine to collect evidence, saying that it was the ship that the boss was on. The whole spacecraft exploded, with massive bleeding and huge explosions. If the boss hadn't been tough on his life, it's hard to say whether he could have come back alive." "What's the

point of bringing it up after the matter is over?" Wendy flicked her nails casually, and said coldly Smiling, "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. The military court will not be lenient because he is a mermaid." "

Without the support of public opinion, it

is useless no matter how hard the institute is." She really didn't understand. Mias, despite being an upright and responsible general with a bright future, chose to run away and get together with a star thief leader who was prolonging the war.

Even though the so-called true love is invincible, the boss didn't do anything. Why should he almost pay the price with his life just because of that mermaid's imagination?

"Anyway, don't mention this matter in front of outsiders," Eddie lowered his voice and said seriously, "To be able to save the boss who was almost dying, I suspect that Hill's identity is not simple." "

You mean..." Instant understanding Sensing what the other party meant, Wendy played with her hair and tentatively uttered a syllable, "ye...?"

"That's right," pointing to the direction of a landmark building on the capital planet, Eddie He said worriedly, "You know how crazy those people at the institute are. Hill is too special. This matter can't be hidden for long." "

Who said we should hide it?" He appeared quietly, finished his work in a hurry and came to rest. Qi Rong in the room raised his eyebrows, "Didn't I ask you to take care of Hill? Why are you fishing here?"

"Reporting to the commander! It's Wendy." He raised his hand and gave a military salute. Eddie lost his composure the next second. "You know her character. In order to prevent Little Hill from being poisoned by the strange aunt, I can only take her out."

Shrugging, the blond young man betrayed his teammates without hesitation.

"Ai! Di!"

"Childish." Ignoring the argument between the two people behind him, Qi Rong pushed open the door of the lounge, and then caught a small cannonball that rushed towards him with great familiarity.

"Qi Rong! Hill misses you so much!"

The air was still for a moment, and countless eyes fell on the two people embracing each other in front of the door. While the onlookers were being stuffed with dog food, they also discovered with joy. My own admiral suddenly stiffened.

Tsk, this sour smell of love.

...But the boss's little wife is really cute.

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