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Aiden: Tom....😕

Tom: ??

Aiden: C'mon now...

Ellie: Hey guys

Gabby: HI ELLIE!!!!!!!!!

-User: Ellie has reacted with 💗to "HI ELLIE!!!!!!!!"

Fiore: So...who was the lucky boot??

Ellie: why would we tell you???

Jake: it is really not that serious, just tell us

Ellie: go fuck yourself, why would I tell you after you said all that shit to me last week.?

Jake: fuck you too then??

Alec: Just tell us

Riya: you don't need to gatekeep..

Miriam: I hate to agree with them, but...

Tom: well look who it is..😐

-Miriam has gone Idle-

Tom: We voted Lake, for those who are wondering.


Yul: ...

-Someone has screenshotted-

-Yul has deleted 1 message-

Yul: I mean, why Lake??

Grett: why would someone screenshot?? nothing was said..

Grett; Anyways, hey baby! <3

Yul: Hey.

Grett: what's wrong hun??

Yul: Nothing, but I gtg!!

-Yul has gone offline-

-Grett has gone on DND-

Jake: Why would you guys boot Lake??

Connor: Wouldn't there be a tiebreaker since there were 2 groups of 3??

Riya: exactly..

Connor: oh, riya!

-Riya has gone offline-

Connor: guess not..

-Connor has gone on DND-

Tom: sorry Aiden

Aiden: ig it's fine

Aiden: check DMS

Tom: okay

Ashley: ...

Jake: Ashley, DMS, now.

Ashley: Alright!

-In Aiden and Toms DMS-

Aiden: now that lake is gone, the girls are at a numbers advantage, what do we do??

Tom: we could try ally with tess, i don't know if she is fully on board with gabby and ellie..

Aiden: That could work! Afterall, she did collab with Lake for a few books!

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