Chapter 1

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AN/ Tyler (left) Connor (right) but you probably already knew that.

Rosalie's P.O.V
"Rosalie!" I hear my name being shouted. Ugh I don't care.

"Rosalie Keen!" Oh lord my last name too.

"Rosalie Ivy Keen!!" My full name, interesting way to wake up.

"What Kendra!" I yell back.

"Get up Rosalie! We have class!" My roommate Kendra orders.

"Kendra, I thought you were a badass who skipped class?" I question with sass.

"Yes I am a badass Ms.Sassypants, but I didn't pay the amount of money I did to flunk out so I will be going to class. Will you?" She asks me.

"Fine. I'll get up." I say grouchily.

"Hey, I didn't pick your morning classes for you no need to be snappy with me." She scolds.

"Yes ma'am mother" I retort and get up to get ready. Speaking of my mother I should probably go visit her soon. She will want to hear all about these two boys. Tyler and Connor, they're basically in love with me, and forever trying to impress me. I can't leave my dorm without them being there, one trying to sound cooler than the other. You would think they'd be sworn enemies, but no. These two very attractive, but not my type of guys, are practically best friends. They share a dorm and get along perfectly. Always together, inseparable almost, but they both want me.

I walk to my closet I share with Kendra, we basically share everything, and decide what to wear today. I consider myself to have good style I guess. I go with white skinny jeans, and a nice black sweater with white hearts all over it, and a pair of black ankle boots with a small heel. Simple but cute. I pin my wavy dirty blonde hair half up and leave the other half done. For make up the usual, concealer, foundation, blush, eye shadow and mascara. I also decide to take the time to perfectly wing my eyeliner. A very difficult task, but after watching many beauty vloggers, I learned the ways of make up. I also decide some light pink matte lipstick would complete the look.

Now that that is out of the way, I grab my book bag and head out the door hoping I can get some coffee at my favorite coffee place before heading to my first class. Lucky for me my first class is actually right across from "Klassen's Koffee" my favorite place! I love the misspelling of the word coffee to create the alliteration in the stores name. Mr & Mrs. Klassen are an old couple and I absolutely adore the two of them! I try to go in as often as possible but sometimes I just can't make it before I have to run to my first class.

I run in and order my usual medium white chocolate mocha latte with a shot of espresso. I say "Hello" the Klassen's before I have to run across to my first lecture of the day. Mr.Hill is one of my favorite professors, I just wish I hadn't picked his class so early. I'm no morning person. I guess I'll just have to rely on the coffee!

Class wasn't so bad today, as I said I like Mr.Hill. He's a chill professor, pretty young so he's not an ass like the older professors. I am a law student though so I'm used to work being strict and difficult. No need to argue with another professors teaching style if I do learn what I need to and get the credits to graduate. I want to own and run my parents law firm when I get older and I'm more experienced. Following in my parents footsteps I guess. They went to Harvard together, high school sweethearts, went to college and followed the same dream together. UCLA works just fine for me though, just because you go to Harvard doesn't mean you're superior to other lawyers.

I'm walking down campus to get some lunch before my second class of the day. I think I'll grab some Panera just cause I'm craving their sourdough bread bowls.

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