Chapter 2

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Rosalie's P.O.V

Tyler drives to the nearest movie theatre, no idea what's showing, but I guess we will find out. We get out of the car and get in line, trying to decide what to watch.

In the end we decide on tickets to 'Ant-Man' thinking it might be funny. (an: it's freaking hilarious) Tyler gets popcorn and a coke and I get a cherry slushy and sour patch watermelon. Sour patch watermelon are my favorite candies ever. Tyler and I sit all the way up in the back, in the center. That's my favorite place to sit. There aren't many people here, I'm kinda glad though.

The movie ended up being absolutely hilarious. I have cramps from laughing so hard. Tyler was laughing the whole time too. We had a pretty good time, it wasn't a date or anything, but it was fun hanging out. I'm glad he saved me from that party.

After the movies he drives me back to my dorm. I thank him and tell him goodnight as I get out and go to my room.

Walking into my building I begin to hope Kendra is either passed out or not here, I don't want to explain that I lied right now. She'll know as soon as she sees I changed. I also don't feel like dealing with Harry.

I walk in and luckily, they aren't here. It's pretty late and I'm a little worried Kendra is still out, but I know she's ok. I'm also thankful she's not here, she's with Harry and he wouldn't let anything hurt her. I crawl into bed and plug in my phone. I slowly drift asleep.

The next morning I wake up and realize Kendra is probably hungover, and we have classes. I get out of bed and look over to see Kendra is not in bed. We have class and she's not here for me to help her get ready to go to class in her hungover state. I unplug my phone and dial her number.

Straight to voicemail. Good job Kendra, out late, not home and phone dead. For all I know she's dead in a ditch or the more likely scenario, she's at Harry's. I call him next in attempt to find my only friend.

"What the fuck do you want?" I hear grumpily through the phone from a very bitter and hung over Harry.

"Is Kendra with you? We have class." I state.

"Yeah she's with me where else would she be, now go get a life we're fine." He spits.

"Go get a new personality you asshat" I say and hang up. Well I guess she'll be fine. I should get ready for my own classes.

I go into my closet and settle for dark blue skinny jeans, a tight grey tank and black leather jacket. I put on the black ankle boots from yesterday and twist a section of my hair back and pin it. I grab my bag and run out the door headed for coffee.

I grab coffee quickly, saying "Hi" to the Klassen's and hurrying off to class. When I walk in and go towards my usual seat I find a bouquet of lilies. Oh my goodness it wasn't a date we just went to a movie Tyler. I open the letter and realize they're actually from Connor. Well that's strange, it wasn't a date, but I would've expected them from Tyler. I'm sure Tyler will tell Connor about last night, but it doesn't matter we're just friends. The flowers are sweet, but I really am not looking for anything. I put the flowers aside so I can focus on class that is starting.

After class I text Connor and tell him thank you for the flowers. It'd be rude to not thank him now. I want to be his friend, and I had fun with Tyler last night, but I don't want all the romantic gestures. I don't have much time before my next class today so I hurry across campus in attempt to not be late. As I'm walking I bump into Connor, almost literally. I should really watch where I'm going.

"Hi Rosalie!" He greets cheerfully. "I'm glad you liked the flowers!" He adds.

"Hi Connor, sorry I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment, the flowers are pretty, but could we maybe talk about that later? Over dinner or something?" I said hurriedly.

"Talk about it? Yeah sure...Dinner at 6? I'll pick you up?" He asks.

"Sounds good! I really have to go now, I'm sorry, see ya later!" I apologize again. At dinner I just plan to tell him I'm not looking for a relationship, and that while he's sweet I want to be friends and that means the flowers, and gifts have to stop. It can't be that hard to tell him, I really want to be his friend, because I don't have many. I just don't want to hurt him, because I don't feel the same. I hope he doesn't think it's a date though, it's just two friends having dinner together.

This class seems to drag on, I can't stop thinking about later. It's only a dinner, but I can't help but think it's going to have a very different meaning to Connor. I pull out my phone and quickly shoot him a text to remind him it's just a casual dinner, as I'm pressing send a booming voice from down below says,

"Excuse me, Miss with the blonde hair and is on her device, I'm sure you are aware that cell phones are strictly prohibited during this class and if you must use it please exit the hall before doing so." My professor says from his desk. This is a lecture hall with 300 students, so he doesn't know our names, but he's very good at seeing a cell phone out.

"I'm sorry sir." I say hitting send and putting my phone back in my pocket. He continues with class, and soon it's over. I hurry out of the room embarrassed by what happened today. I shouldn't have pulled my phone out, it was disrespectful. I couldn't help it, I shouldn't be worrying so much about this, but I am.

My message to Connor shows it has not sent. It's mid afternoon now, the chances of running into Connor are slim. I wonder why it hasn't gone through, I'm out of the hall now and have perfect signal. Maybe he's in a class and isn't receiving it, I'm sure that's it. I don't need to worry about this, he's going to pick me up, we'll go to a cafe or somewhere casual, have dinner and talk like friends do. He is NOT going to pick me up and take me somewhere fancy, have an expensive dinner and think it's a date.

I think I've managed to convince myself this is going to be okay and I start to get ready. I put on black jeans, a powder blue blouse, a silver pendant and black ballet flats. This is cute but casual, not too dressy I think. My usual style is a tad dressy anyway, so it's not a big deal. After I finish light make up and leave my hair as it was earlier, I sit down on my bed and scroll through my twitter feed while I wait. Within 10 minutes Connor texts me to say he's here. The message still says not sent. I grab my dorm keys, purse and walk out to the car.
Next chapter will be written half in Connor's P.O.V and half in Rosalie's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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